execute(); } /** * Private constructor */ private function __construct( $text, $lineStart ) { $this->text = $text; $this->lineStart = $lineStart; } /** * If a pre or p is open, return the corresponding close tag and update * the state. If no tag is open, return an empty string. * @return string */ private function closeParagraph() { $result = ''; if ( $this->lastSection !== '' ) { $result = 'lastSection . ">\n"; } $this->inPre = false; $this->lastSection = ''; return $result; } /** * getCommon() returns the length of the longest common substring * of both arguments, starting at the beginning of both. * * @param string $st1 * @param string $st2 * * @return int */ private function getCommon( $st1, $st2 ) { $shorter = min( strlen( $st1 ), strlen( $st2 ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $shorter; ++$i ) { if ( $st1[$i] !== $st2[$i] ) { break; } } return $i; } /** * Open the list item element identified by the prefix character. * * @param string $char * * @return string */ private function openList( $char ) { $result = $this->closeParagraph(); if ( '*' === $char ) { $result .= ""; } elseif ( '#' === $char ) { $text = ""; } elseif ( ':' === $char ) { if ( $this->DTopen ) { $this->DTopen = false; $text = ""; } else { $text = ""; } } else { return ''; } return $text; } /** * Execute the pass. * @return string */ private function execute() { $text = $this->text; # Parsing through the text line by line. The main thing # happening here is handling of block-level elements p, pre, # and making lists from lines starting with * # : etc. $textLines = StringUtils::explode( "\n", $text ); $lastPrefix = $output = ''; $this->DTopen = $inBlockElem = false; $prefixLength = 0; $pendingPTag = false; $inBlockquote = false; foreach ( $textLines as $inputLine ) { # Fix up $lineStart if ( !$this->lineStart ) { $output .= $inputLine; $this->lineStart = true; continue; } # * = ul # # = ol # ; = dt # : = dd $lastPrefixLength = strlen( $lastPrefix ); $preCloseMatch = preg_match( '/<\\/pre/i', $inputLine ); $preOpenMatch = preg_match( '/
 element, scan for and figure out what prefixes are there.
			if ( !$this->inPre ) {
				# Multiple prefixes may abut each other for nested lists.
				$prefixLength = strspn( $inputLine, '*#:;' );
				$prefix = substr( $inputLine, 0, $prefixLength );

				# eh?
				# ; and : are both from definition-lists, so they're equivalent
				#  for the purposes of determining whether or not we need to open/close
				#  elements.
				$prefix2 = str_replace( ';', ':', $prefix );
				$t = substr( $inputLine, $prefixLength );
				$this->inPre = (bool)$preOpenMatch;
			} else {
				# Don't interpret any other prefixes in preformatted text
				$prefixLength = 0;
				$prefix = $prefix2 = '';
				$t = $inputLine;

			# List generation
			if ( $prefixLength && $lastPrefix === $prefix2 ) {
				# Same as the last item, so no need to deal with nesting or opening stuff
				$output .= $this->nextItem( substr( $prefix, -1 ) );
				$pendingPTag = false;

				if ( substr( $prefix, -1 ) === ';' ) {
					# The one nasty exception: definition lists work like this:
					# ; title : definition text
					# So we check for : in the remainder text to split up the
					# title and definition, without b0rking links.
					$term = $t2 = '';
					if ( $this->findColonNoLinks( $t, $term, $t2 ) !== false ) {
						$t = $t2;
						$output .= $term . $this->nextItem( ':' );
			} elseif ( $prefixLength || $lastPrefixLength ) {
				# We need to open or close prefixes, or both.

				# Either open or close a level...
				$commonPrefixLength = $this->getCommon( $prefix, $lastPrefix );
				$pendingPTag = false;

				# Close all the prefixes which aren't shared.
				while ( $commonPrefixLength < $lastPrefixLength ) {
					$output .= $this->closeList( $lastPrefix[$lastPrefixLength - 1] );

				# Continue the current prefix if appropriate.
				if ( $prefixLength <= $commonPrefixLength && $commonPrefixLength > 0 ) {
					$output .= $this->nextItem( $prefix[$commonPrefixLength - 1] );

				# Open prefixes where appropriate.
				if ( $lastPrefix && $prefixLength > $commonPrefixLength ) {
					$output .= "\n";
				while ( $prefixLength > $commonPrefixLength ) {
					$char = substr( $prefix, $commonPrefixLength, 1 );
					$output .= $this->openList( $char );

					if ( ';' === $char ) {
						# @todo FIXME: This is dupe of code above
						if ( $this->findColonNoLinks( $t, $term, $t2 ) !== false ) {
							$t = $t2;
							$output .= $term . $this->nextItem( ':' );
				if ( !$prefixLength && $lastPrefix ) {
					$output .= "\n";
				$lastPrefix = $prefix2;

			# If we have no prefixes, go to paragraph mode.
			if ( 0 == $prefixLength ) {
				# No prefix (not in list)--go to paragraph mode
				# @todo consider using a stack for nestable elements like span, table and div
				$openMatch = preg_match(
					if ( $preOpenMatch && !$preCloseMatch ) {
						$this->inPre = true;
					$bqOffset = 0;
					while ( preg_match( '/<(\\/?)blockquote[\s>]/i', $t,
						$bqMatch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $bqOffset )
					) {
						$inBlockquote = !$bqMatch[1][0]; // is this a close tag?
						$bqOffset = $bqMatch[0][1] + strlen( $bqMatch[0][0] );
					$inBlockElem = !$closeMatch;
				} elseif ( !$inBlockElem && !$this->inPre ) {
					if ( ' ' == substr( $t, 0, 1 )
						&& ( $this->lastSection === 'pre' || trim( $t ) != '' )
						&& !$inBlockquote
					) {
						# pre
						if ( $this->lastSection !== 'pre' ) {
							$pendingPTag = false;
							$output .= $this->closeParagraph() . '
							$this->lastSection = 'pre';
						$t = substr( $t, 1 );
					} else {
						# paragraph
						if ( trim( $t ) === '' ) {
							if ( $pendingPTag ) {
								$output .= $pendingPTag . '
'; $pendingPTag = false; $this->lastSection = 'p'; } else { if ( $this->lastSection !== 'p' ) { $output .= $this->closeParagraph(); $this->lastSection = ''; $pendingPTag = '

'; } else { $pendingPTag = '

'; } } } else { if ( $pendingPTag ) { $output .= $pendingPTag; $pendingPTag = false; $this->lastSection = 'p'; } elseif ( $this->lastSection !== 'p' ) { $output .= $this->closeParagraph() . '

'; $this->lastSection = 'p'; } } } } } # somewhere above we forget to get out of pre block (bug 785) if ( $preCloseMatch && $this->inPre ) { $this->inPre = false; } if ( $pendingPTag === false ) { $output .= $t; if ( $prefixLength === 0 ) { $output .= "\n"; } } } while ( $prefixLength ) { $output .= $this->closeList( $prefix2[$prefixLength - 1] ); --$prefixLength; if ( !$prefixLength ) { $output .= "\n"; } } if ( $this->lastSection !== '' ) { $output .= 'lastSection . '>'; $this->lastSection = ''; } return $output; } /** * Split up a string on ':', ignoring any occurrences inside tags * to prevent illegal overlapping. * * @param string $str The string to split * @param string &$before Set to everything before the ':' * @param string &$after Set to everything after the ':' * @throws MWException * @return string The position of the ':', or false if none found */ private function findColonNoLinks( $str, &$before, &$after ) { $colonPos = strpos( $str, ':' ); if ( $colonPos === false ) { # Nothing to find! return false; } $ltPos = strpos( $str, '<' ); if ( $ltPos === false || $ltPos > $colonPos ) { # Easy; no tag nesting to worry about $before = substr( $str, 0, $colonPos ); $after = substr( $str, $colonPos + 1 ); return $colonPos; } # Ugly state machine to walk through avoiding tags. $state = self::COLON_STATE_TEXT; $level = 0; $len = strlen( $str ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $c = $str[$i]; switch ( $state ) { case self::COLON_STATE_TEXT: switch ( $c ) { case "<": # Could be either a tag or an tag $state = self::COLON_STATE_TAGSTART; break; case ":": if ( $level === 0 ) { # We found it! $before = substr( $str, 0, $i ); $after = substr( $str, $i + 1 ); return $i; } # Embedded in a tag; don't break it. break; default: # Skip ahead looking for something interesting $colonPos = strpos( $str, ':', $i ); if ( $colonPos === false ) { # Nothing else interesting return false; } $ltPos = strpos( $str, '<', $i ); if ( $level === 0 ) { if ( $ltPos === false || $colonPos < $ltPos ) { # We found it! $before = substr( $str, 0, $colonPos ); $after = substr( $str, $colonPos + 1 ); return $i; } } if ( $ltPos === false ) { # Nothing else interesting to find; abort! # We're nested, but there's no close tags left. Abort! break 2; } # Skip ahead to next tag start $i = $ltPos; $state = self::COLON_STATE_TAGSTART; } break; case self::COLON_STATE_TAG: # In a switch ( $c ) { case ">": $level++; $state = self::COLON_STATE_TEXT; break; case "/": # Slash may be followed by >? $state = self::COLON_STATE_TAGSLASH; break; default: # ignore } break; case self::COLON_STATE_TAGSTART: switch ( $c ) { case "/": $state = self::COLON_STATE_CLOSETAG; break; case "!": $state = self::COLON_STATE_COMMENT; break; case ">": # Illegal early close? This shouldn't happen D: $state = self::COLON_STATE_TEXT; break; default: $state = self::COLON_STATE_TAG; } break; case self::COLON_STATE_CLOSETAG: # In a if ( $c === ">" ) { $level--; if ( $level < 0 ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid input; too many close tags\n" ); return false; } $state = self::COLON_STATE_TEXT; } break; case self::COLON_STATE_TAGSLASH: if ( $c === ">" ) { # Yes, a self-closed tag $state = self::COLON_STATE_TEXT; } else { # Probably we're jumping the gun, and this is an attribute $state = self::COLON_STATE_TAG; } break; case self::COLON_STATE_COMMENT: if ( $c === "-" ) { $state = self::COLON_STATE_COMMENTDASH; } break; case self::COLON_STATE_COMMENTDASH: if ( $c === "-" ) { $state = self::COLON_STATE_COMMENTDASHDASH; } else { $state = self::COLON_STATE_COMMENT; } break; case self::COLON_STATE_COMMENTDASHDASH: if ( $c === ">" ) { $state = self::COLON_STATE_TEXT; } else { $state = self::COLON_STATE_COMMENT; } break; default: throw new MWException( "State machine error in " . __METHOD__ ); } } if ( $level > 0 ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid input; not enough close tags (level $level, state $state)\n" ); return false; } return false; } }