isNavigationBarShown() ) { return ''; } if ( isset( $this->mNavigationBar ) ) { return $this->mNavigationBar; } $linkTexts = [ 'prev' => $this->msg( 'pager-newer-n' )->numParams( $this->mLimit )->escaped(), 'next' => $this->msg( 'pager-older-n' )->numParams( $this->mLimit )->escaped(), 'first' => $this->msg( 'histlast' )->escaped(), 'last' => $this->msg( 'histfirst' )->escaped() ]; $pagingLinks = $this->getPagingLinks( $linkTexts ); $limitLinks = $this->getLimitLinks(); $limits = $this->getLanguage()->pipeList( $limitLinks ); $firstLastLinks = $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( "{$pagingLinks['first']}" . $this->msg( 'pipe-separator' )->escaped() . "{$pagingLinks['last']}" )->escaped(); $this->mNavigationBar = $firstLastLinks . ' ' . $this->msg( 'viewprevnext' )->rawParams( $pagingLinks['prev'], $pagingLinks['next'], $limits )->escaped(); return $this->mNavigationBar; } function getDateCond( $year, $month ) { $year = intval( $year ); $month = intval( $month ); // Basic validity checks $this->mYear = $year > 0 ? $year : false; $this->mMonth = ( $month > 0 && $month < 13 ) ? $month : false; // Given an optional year and month, we need to generate a timestamp // to use as "WHERE rev_timestamp <= result" // Examples: year = 2006 equals < 20070101 (+000000) // year=2005, month=1 equals < 20050201 // year=2005, month=12 equals < 20060101 if ( !$this->mYear && !$this->mMonth ) { return; } if ( $this->mYear ) { $year = $this->mYear; } else { // If no year given, assume the current one $timestamp = MWTimestamp::getInstance(); $year = $timestamp->format( 'Y' ); // If this month hasn't happened yet this year, go back to last year's month if ( $this->mMonth > $timestamp->format( 'n' ) ) { $year--; } } if ( $this->mMonth ) { $month = $this->mMonth + 1; // For December, we want January 1 of the next year if ( $month > 12 ) { $month = 1; $year++; } } else { // No month implies we want up to the end of the year in question $month = 1; $year++; } // Y2K38 bug if ( $year > 2032 ) { $year = 2032; } $ymd = (int)sprintf( "%04d%02d01", $year, $month ); if ( $ymd > 20320101 ) { $ymd = 20320101; } // Treat the given time in the wiki timezone and get a UTC timestamp for the database lookup $timestamp = MWTimestamp::getInstance( "${ymd}000000" ); $timestamp->setTimeZone( $this->getConfig()->get( 'Localtimezone' ) ); $this->mOffset = $this->mDb->timestamp( $timestamp->getTimestamp() ); } }