ticket = $ticket; } /** * Begin an appropriate transaction, if any. * This default implementation does nothing. */ public function beginTransaction() { // noop } /** * Commit the transaction started via beginTransaction, if any. * This default implementation does nothing. */ public function commitTransaction() { // noop } /** * Abort / roll back the transaction started via beginTransaction, if any. * This default implementation does nothing. */ public function rollbackTransaction() { // noop } /** * Convenience method, calls doUpdate() on every DataUpdate in the array. * * This methods supports transactions logic by first calling beginTransaction() * on all updates in the array, then calling doUpdate() on each, and, if all goes well, * then calling commitTransaction() on each update. If an error occurs, * rollbackTransaction() will be called on any update object that had beginTransaction() * called but not yet commitTransaction(). * * This allows for limited transactional logic across multiple backends for storing * secondary data. * * @param DataUpdate[] $updates A list of DataUpdate instances * @param string $mode Use "enqueue" to use the job queue when possible [Default: run] * @throws Exception|null */ public static function runUpdates( array $updates, $mode = 'run' ) { if ( $mode === 'enqueue' ) { // When possible, push updates as jobs instead of calling doUpdate() $updates = self::enqueueUpdates( $updates ); } if ( !count( $updates ) ) { return; // nothing to do } $open_transactions = []; $exception = null; try { // begin transactions foreach ( $updates as $update ) { $update->beginTransaction(); $open_transactions[] = $update; } // do work foreach ( $updates as $update ) { $update->doUpdate(); } // commit transactions while ( count( $open_transactions ) > 0 ) { $trans = array_pop( $open_transactions ); $trans->commitTransaction(); } } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $exception = $ex; wfDebug( "Caught exception, will rethrow after rollback: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n" ); } // rollback remaining transactions while ( count( $open_transactions ) > 0 ) { $trans = array_pop( $open_transactions ); $trans->rollbackTransaction(); } if ( $exception ) { throw $exception; // rethrow after cleanup } } /** * Enqueue jobs for every DataUpdate that support enqueueUpdate() * and return the remaining DataUpdate objects (those that do not) * * @param DataUpdate[] $updates A list of DataUpdate instances * @return DataUpdate[] * @since 1.27 */ protected static function enqueueUpdates( array $updates ) { $remaining = []; foreach ( $updates as $update ) { if ( $update instanceof EnqueueableDataUpdate ) { $spec = $update->getAsJobSpecification(); JobQueueGroup::singleton( $spec['wiki'] )->push( $spec['job'] ); } else { $remaining[] = $update; } } return $remaining; } } /** * Interface that marks a DataUpdate as enqueuable via the JobQueue * * Such updates must be representable using IJobSpecification, so that * they can be serialized into jobs and enqueued for later execution * * @since 1.27 */ interface EnqueueableDataUpdate { /** * @return array (wiki => wiki ID, job => IJobSpecification) */ public function getAsJobSpecification(); }