mName = $dbName; parent::__construct( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $flags ); // parent doesn't open when $user is false, but we can work with $dbName if( !$user && $dbName ) { global $wgSharedDB; if( $this->open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ) && $wgSharedDB ) { $this->attachDatabase( $wgSharedDB ); } } } function getType() { return 'sqlite'; } /** * @todo: check if it should be true like parent class */ function implicitGroupby() { return false; } /** Open an SQLite database and return a resource handle to it * NOTE: only $dbName is used, the other parameters are irrelevant for SQLite databases */ function open( $server, $user, $pass, $dbName ) { global $wgSQLiteDataDir; $fileName = self::generateFileName( $wgSQLiteDataDir, $dbName ); if ( !is_readable( $fileName ) ) { $this->mConn = false; throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "SQLite database not accessible" ); } $this->openFile( $fileName ); return $this->mConn; } /** * Opens a database file * @return SQL connection or false if failed */ function openFile( $fileName ) { $this->mDatabaseFile = $fileName; try { if ( $this->mFlags & DBO_PERSISTENT ) { $this->mConn = new PDO( "sqlite:$fileName", '', '', array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true ) ); } else { $this->mConn = new PDO( "sqlite:$fileName", '', '' ); } } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $err = $e->getMessage(); } if ( !$this->mConn ) { wfDebug( "DB connection error: $err\n" ); throw new DBConnectionError( $this, $err ); } $this->mOpened = !!$this->mConn; # set error codes only, don't raise exceptions if ( $this->mOpened ) { $this->mConn->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT ); return true; } } /** * Close an SQLite database */ function close() { $this->mOpened = false; if ( is_object( $this->mConn ) ) { if ( $this->trxLevel() ) $this->commit(); $this->mConn = null; } return true; } /** * Generates a database file name. Explicitly public for installer. * @param $dir String: Directory where database resides * @param $dbName String: Database name * @return String */ public static function generateFileName( $dir, $dbName ) { return "$dir/$dbName.sqlite"; } /** * Check if the searchindext table is FTS enabled. * @returns false if not enabled. */ function checkForEnabledSearch() { if ( self::$fulltextEnabled === null ) { self::$fulltextEnabled = false; $table = $this->tableName( 'searchindex' ); $res = $this->query( "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = '$table'", __METHOD__ ); if ( $res ) { $row = $res->fetchRow(); self::$fulltextEnabled = stristr($row['sql'], 'fts' ) !== false; } } return self::$fulltextEnabled; } /** * Returns version of currently supported SQLite fulltext search module or false if none present. * @return String */ static function getFulltextSearchModule() { static $cachedResult = null; if ( $cachedResult !== null ) { return $cachedResult; } $cachedResult = false; $table = 'dummy_search_test'; $db = new DatabaseSqliteStandalone( ':memory:' ); if ( $db->query( "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE $table USING FTS3(dummy_field)", __METHOD__, true ) ) { $cachedResult = 'FTS3'; } $db->close(); return $cachedResult; } /** * Attaches external database to our connection, see * for details. * @param $name String: database name to be used in queries like SELECT foo FROM dbname.table * @param $file String: database file name. If omitted, will be generated using $name and $wgSQLiteDataDir * @param $fname String: calling function name */ function attachDatabase( $name, $file = false, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::attachDatabase' ) { global $wgSQLiteDataDir; if ( !$file ) { $file = self::generateFileName( $wgSQLiteDataDir, $name ); } $file = $this->addQuotes( $file ); return $this->query( "ATTACH DATABASE $file AS $name", $fname ); } /** * @see DatabaseBase::isWriteQuery() */ function isWriteQuery( $sql ) { return parent::isWriteQuery( $sql ) && !preg_match( '/^ATTACH\b/i', $sql ); } /** * SQLite doesn't allow buffered results or data seeking etc, so we'll use fetchAll as the result */ function doQuery( $sql ) { $res = $this->mConn->query( $sql ); if ( $res === false ) { return false; } else { $r = $res instanceof ResultWrapper ? $res->result : $res; $this->mAffectedRows = $r->rowCount(); $res = new ResultWrapper( $this, $r->fetchAll() ); } return $res; } function freeResult( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res->result = null; } else { $res = null; } } function fetchObject( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $r =& $res->result; } else { $r =& $res; } $cur = current( $r ); if ( is_array( $cur ) ) { next( $r ); $obj = new stdClass; foreach ( $cur as $k => $v ) { if ( !is_numeric( $k ) ) { $obj->$k = $v; } } return $obj; } return false; } function fetchRow( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $r =& $res->result; } else { $r =& $res; } $cur = current( $r ); if ( is_array( $cur ) ) { next( $r ); return $cur; } return false; } /** * The PDO::Statement class implements the array interface so count() will work */ function numRows( $res ) { $r = $res instanceof ResultWrapper ? $res->result : $res; return count( $r ); } function numFields( $res ) { $r = $res instanceof ResultWrapper ? $res->result : $res; return is_array( $r ) ? count( $r[0] ) : 0; } function fieldName( $res, $n ) { $r = $res instanceof ResultWrapper ? $res->result : $res; if ( is_array( $r ) ) { $keys = array_keys( $r[0] ); return $keys[$n]; } return false; } /** * Use MySQL's naming (accounts for prefix etc) but remove surrounding backticks */ function tableName( $name ) { // table names starting with sqlite_ are reserved if ( strpos( $name, 'sqlite_' ) === 0 ) return $name; return str_replace( '"', '', parent::tableName( $name ) ); } /** * Index names have DB scope */ function indexName( $index ) { return $index; } /** * This must be called after nextSequenceVal */ function insertId() { return $this->mConn->lastInsertId(); } function dataSeek( $res, $row ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $r =& $res->result; } else { $r =& $res; } reset( $r ); if ( $row > 0 ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < $row; $i++ ) { next( $r ); } } } function lastError() { if ( !is_object( $this->mConn ) ) { return "Cannot return last error, no db connection"; } $e = $this->mConn->errorInfo(); return isset( $e[2] ) ? $e[2] : ''; } function lastErrno() { if ( !is_object( $this->mConn ) ) { return "Cannot return last error, no db connection"; } else { $info = $this->mConn->errorInfo(); return $info[1]; } } function affectedRows() { return $this->mAffectedRows; } /** * Returns information about an index * Returns false if the index does not exist * - if errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure */ function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::indexExists' ) { $sql = 'PRAGMA index_info(' . $this->addQuotes( $this->indexName( $index ) ) . ')'; $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } if ( $res->numRows() == 0 ) { return false; } $info = array(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $info[] = $row->name; } return $info; } function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::indexUnique' ) { $row = $this->selectRow( 'sqlite_master', '*', array( 'type' => 'index', 'name' => $this->indexName( $index ), ), $fname ); if ( !$row || !isset( $row->sql ) ) { return null; } // $row->sql will be of the form CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX ... $indexPos = strpos( $row->sql, 'INDEX' ); if ( $indexPos === false ) { return null; } $firstPart = substr( $row->sql, 0, $indexPos ); $options = explode( ' ', $firstPart ); return in_array( 'UNIQUE', $options ); } /** * Filter the options used in SELECT statements */ function makeSelectOptions( $options ) { foreach ( $options as $k => $v ) { if ( is_numeric( $k ) && $v == 'FOR UPDATE' ) { $options[$k] = ''; } } return parent::makeSelectOptions( $options ); } /** * Based on generic method (parent) with some prior SQLite-sepcific adjustments */ function insert( $table, $a, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::insert', $options = array() ) { if ( !count( $a ) ) { return true; } if ( !is_array( $options ) ) { $options = array( $options ); } # SQLite uses OR IGNORE not just IGNORE foreach ( $options as $k => $v ) { if ( $v == 'IGNORE' ) { $options[$k] = 'OR IGNORE'; } } # SQLite can't handle multi-row inserts, so divide up into multiple single-row inserts if ( isset( $a[0] ) && is_array( $a[0] ) ) { $ret = true; foreach ( $a as $v ) { if ( !parent::insert( $table, $v, "$fname/multi-row", $options ) ) { $ret = false; } } } else { $ret = parent::insert( $table, $a, "$fname/single-row", $options ); } return $ret; } function replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::replace' ) { if ( !count( $rows ) ) return true; # SQLite can't handle multi-row replaces, so divide up into multiple single-row queries if ( isset( $rows[0] ) && is_array( $rows[0] ) ) { $ret = true; foreach ( $rows as $v ) { if ( !parent::replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $v, "$fname/multi-row" ) ) { $ret = false; } } } else { $ret = parent::replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, "$fname/single-row" ); } return $ret; } /** * Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited" * In SQLite this is SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH, by default 1GB. No way to query it though. */ function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) { return -1; } function unionSupportsOrderAndLimit() { return false; } function unionQueries( $sqls, $all ) { $glue = $all ? ' UNION ALL ' : ' UNION '; return implode( $glue, $sqls ); } function wasDeadlock() { return $this->lastErrno() == 5; // SQLITE_BUSY } function wasErrorReissuable() { return $this->lastErrno() == 17; // SQLITE_SCHEMA; } function wasReadOnlyError() { return $this->lastErrno() == 8; // SQLITE_READONLY; } /** * @return string wikitext of a link to the server software's web site */ public static function getSoftwareLink() { return "[ SQLite]"; } /** * @return string Version information from the database */ function getServerVersion() { $ver = $this->mConn->getAttribute( PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ); return $ver; } /** * @return string User-friendly database information */ public function getServerInfo() { return wfMsg( self::getFulltextSearchModule() ? 'sqlite-has-fts' : 'sqlite-no-fts', $this->getServerVersion() ); } /** * Get information about a given field * Returns false if the field does not exist. */ function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) { $tableName = $this->tableName( $table ); $sql = 'PRAGMA table_info(' . $this->addQuotes( $tableName ) . ')'; $res = $this->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $row->name == $field ) { return new SQLiteField( $row, $tableName ); } } return false; } function begin( $fname = '' ) { if ( $this->mTrxLevel == 1 ) $this->commit(); $this->mConn->beginTransaction(); $this->mTrxLevel = 1; } function commit( $fname = '' ) { if ( $this->mTrxLevel == 0 ) return; $this->mConn->commit(); $this->mTrxLevel = 0; } function rollback( $fname = '' ) { if ( $this->mTrxLevel == 0 ) return; $this->mConn->rollBack(); $this->mTrxLevel = 0; } function limitResultForUpdate( $sql, $num ) { return $this->limitResult( $sql, $num ); } function strencode( $s ) { return substr( $this->addQuotes( $s ), 1, - 1 ); } function encodeBlob( $b ) { return new Blob( $b ); } function decodeBlob( $b ) { if ( $b instanceof Blob ) { $b = $b->fetch(); } return $b; } function addQuotes( $s ) { if ( $s instanceof Blob ) { return "x'" . bin2hex( $s->fetch() ) . "'"; } else { return $this->mConn->quote( $s ); } } function buildLike() { $params = func_get_args(); if ( count( $params ) > 0 && is_array( $params[0] ) ) { $params = $params[0]; } return parent::buildLike( $params ) . "ESCAPE '\' "; } public function getSearchEngine() { return "SearchSqlite"; } /** * No-op version of deadlockLoop */ public function deadlockLoop( /*...*/ ) { $args = func_get_args(); $function = array_shift( $args ); return call_user_func_array( $function, $args ); } protected function replaceVars( $s ) { $s = parent::replaceVars( $s ); if ( preg_match( '/^\s*(CREATE|ALTER) TABLE/i', $s ) ) { // CREATE TABLE hacks to allow schema file sharing with MySQL // binary/varbinary column type -> blob $s = preg_replace( '/\b(var)?binary(\(\d+\))/i', 'BLOB', $s ); // no such thing as unsigned $s = preg_replace( '/\b(un)?signed\b/i', '', $s ); // INT -> INTEGER $s = preg_replace( '/\b(tiny|small|medium|big|)int(\s*\(\s*\d+\s*\)|\b)/i', 'INTEGER', $s ); // floating point types -> REAL $s = preg_replace( '/\b(float|double(\s+precision)?)(\s*\(\s*\d+\s*(,\s*\d+\s*)?\)|\b)/i', 'REAL', $s ); // varchar -> TEXT $s = preg_replace( '/\b(var)?char\s*\(.*?\)/i', 'TEXT', $s ); // TEXT normalization $s = preg_replace( '/\b(tiny|medium|long)text\b/i', 'TEXT', $s ); // BLOB normalization $s = preg_replace( '/\b(tiny|small|medium|long|)blob\b/i', 'BLOB', $s ); // BOOL -> INTEGER $s = preg_replace( '/\bbool(ean)?\b/i', 'INTEGER', $s ); // DATETIME -> TEXT $s = preg_replace( '/\b(datetime|timestamp)\b/i', 'TEXT', $s ); // No ENUM type $s = preg_replace( '/\benum\s*\([^)]*\)/i', 'TEXT', $s ); // binary collation type -> nothing $s = preg_replace( '/\bbinary\b/i', '', $s ); // auto_increment -> autoincrement $s = preg_replace( '/\bauto_increment\b/i', 'AUTOINCREMENT', $s ); // No explicit options $s = preg_replace( '/\)[^);]*(;?)\s*$/', ')\1', $s ); // AUTOINCREMENT should immedidately follow PRIMARY KEY $s = preg_replace( '/primary key (.*?) autoincrement/i', 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT $1', $s ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^\s*CREATE (\s*(?:UNIQUE|FULLTEXT)\s+)?INDEX/i', $s ) ) { // No truncated indexes $s = preg_replace( '/\(\d+\)/', '', $s ); // No FULLTEXT $s = preg_replace( '/\bfulltext\b/i', '', $s ); } return $s; } /* * Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query */ function buildConcat( $stringList ) { return '(' . implode( ') || (', $stringList ) . ')'; } function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::duplicateTableStructure' ) { $res = $this->query( "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='$oldName' AND type='table'", $fname ); $obj = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( !$obj ) { throw new MWException( "Couldn't retrieve structure for table $oldName" ); } $sql = $obj->sql; $sql = preg_replace( '/\b' . preg_quote( $oldName ) . '\b/', $newName, $sql, 1 ); if ( $temporary ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\\s*CREATE\\s+VIRTUAL\\s+TABLE\b/i', $sql ) ) { wfDebug( "Table $oldName is virtual, can't create a temporary duplicate.\n" ); } else { $sql = str_replace( 'CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE', $sql ); } } return $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } /** * List all tables on the database * * @param $prefix Only show tables with this prefix, e.g. mw_ * @param $fname String: calling function name */ function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = 'DatabaseSqlite::listTables' ) { $result = $this->select( 'sqlite_master', 'name', "type='table'" ); $endArray = array(); foreach( $result as $table ) { $vars = get_object_vars($table); $table = array_pop( $vars ); if( !$prefix || strpos( $table, $prefix ) === 0 ) { if ( strpos( $table, 'sqlite_' ) !== 0 ) { $endArray[] = $table; } } } return $endArray; } } // end DatabaseSqlite class /** * This class allows simple acccess to a SQLite database independently from main database settings * @ingroup Database */ class DatabaseSqliteStandalone extends DatabaseSqlite { public function __construct( $fileName, $flags = 0 ) { $this->mFlags = $flags; $this->tablePrefix( null ); $this->openFile( $fileName ); } } /** * @ingroup Database */ class SQLiteField implements Field { private $info, $tableName; function __construct( $info, $tableName ) { $this->info = $info; $this->tableName = $tableName; } function name() { return $this->info->name; } function tableName() { return $this->tableName; } function defaultValue() { if ( is_string( $this->info->dflt_value ) ) { // Typically quoted if ( preg_match( '/^\'(.*)\'$', $this->info->dflt_value ) ) { return str_replace( "''", "'", $this->info->dflt_value ); } } return $this->info->dflt_value; } function isNullable() { return !$this->info->notnull; } function type() { return $this->info->type; } } // end SQLiteField