getMainConfig(); $conditions = $config->get( 'PasswordAttemptThrottle' ); $params += [ 'type' => 'password', 'cache' => \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(), 'warningLimit' => 50, ]; } else { $params += [ 'type' => 'custom', 'cache' => \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(), 'warningLimit' => INF, ]; } $this->type = $params['type']; $this->conditions = static::normalizeThrottleConditions( $conditions ); $this->cache = $params['cache']; $this->warningLimit = $params['warningLimit']; $this->setLogger( LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'throttler' ) ); } public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Increase the throttle counter and return whether the attempt should be throttled. * * Should be called before an authentication attempt. * * @param string|null $username * @param string|null $ip * @param string|null $caller The authentication method from which we were called. * @return array|false False if the attempt should not be throttled, an associative array * with three keys otherwise: * - throttleIndex: which throttle condition was met (a key of the conditions array) * - count: throttle count (ie. number of failed attempts) * - wait: time in seconds until authentication can be attempted */ public function increase( $username = null, $ip = null, $caller = null ) { if ( $username === null && $ip === null ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Either username or IP must be set for throttling' ); } $userKey = $username ? md5( $username ) : null; foreach ( $this->conditions as $index => $throttleCondition ) { $ipKey = isset( $throttleCondition['allIPs'] ) ? null : $ip; $count = $throttleCondition['count']; $expiry = $throttleCondition['seconds']; // a limit of 0 is used as a disable flag in some throttling configuration settings // throttling the whole world is probably a bad idea if ( !$count || $userKey === null && $ipKey === null ) { continue; } $throttleKey = $this->cache->makeGlobalKey( 'throttler', $this->type, $index, $ipKey, $userKey ); $throttleCount = $this->cache->get( $throttleKey ); if ( $throttleCount && $throttleCount >= $count ) { // Throttle limited reached $this->logRejection( [ 'throttle' => $this->type, 'index' => $index, 'ipKey' => $ipKey, 'username' => $username, 'count' => $count, 'expiry' => $expiry, // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart 'method' => $caller ?: __METHOD__, // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd ] ); return [ 'throttleIndex' => $index, 'count' => $count, 'wait' => $expiry ]; } else { $this->cache->incrWithInit( $throttleKey, $expiry, 1 ); } } return false; } /** * Clear the throttle counter. * * Should be called after a successful authentication attempt. * * @param string|null $username * @param string|null $ip * @throws \MWException */ public function clear( $username = null, $ip = null ) { $userKey = $username ? md5( $username ) : null; foreach ( $this->conditions as $index => $specificThrottle ) { $ipKey = isset( $specificThrottle['allIPs'] ) ? null : $ip; $throttleKey = $this->cache->makeGlobalKey( 'throttler', $this->type, $index, $ipKey, $userKey ); $this->cache->delete( $throttleKey ); } } /** * Handles B/C for $wgPasswordAttemptThrottle. * @param array $throttleConditions * @return array * @see $wgPasswordAttemptThrottle for structure */ protected static function normalizeThrottleConditions( $throttleConditions ) { if ( !is_array( $throttleConditions ) ) { return []; } if ( isset( $throttleConditions['count'] ) ) { // old style $throttleConditions = [ $throttleConditions ]; } return $throttleConditions; } protected function logRejection( array $context ) { $logMsg = 'Throttle {throttle} hit, throttled for {expiry} seconds due to {count} attempts ' . 'from username {username} and IP {ipKey}'; // If we are hitting a throttle for >= warningLimit attempts, it is much more likely to be // an attack than someone simply forgetting their password, so log it at a higher level. $level = $context['count'] >= $this->warningLimit ? LogLevel::WARNING : LogLevel::INFO; // It should be noted that once the throttle is hit, every attempt to login will // generate the log message until the throttle expires, not just the attempt that // puts the throttle over the top. $this->logger->log( $level, $logMsg, $context ); } }