# http://www.mediawiki.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html class Validation { # Things that should be in the language files var $types = array ( "0" => "Style|Awful|Awesome|5", "1" => "Legal|Illegal|Legal|5", "2" => "Completeness|Stub|Extensive|5", "3" => "Facts|Wild guesses|Concrete|5" ) ; function find_this_version ( $article_title , &$article_time , &$id , &$tab ) { $id = "" ; $sql = "SELECT cur_id,cur_timestamp FROM cur WHERE cur_namespace=0 AND cur_title='{$article_title}'" ; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); if( $s = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { if ( $article_time == "" ) $article_time = $s->cur_timestamp ; # No timestamp = current version if ( $article_time == $s->cur_timestamp ) # Means current version { $tab = "cur" ; $id = $s->cur_id ; } } if ( $id == "" ) { $sql = "SELECT old_id FROM old WHERE old_namespace=0 AND old_title='{$article_title}' AND old_timestamp='{$article_time}'" ; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); if( $s = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $tab = "old" ; $id = $s->old_id ; } } } function get_prev_data ( $user_id , $article_title , $article_timestamp = "" ) { $ret = array () ; $sql = "SELECT * FROM validate WHERE val_user='{$user_id}' AND val_title='{$article_title}'" ; if ( $article_timestamp != "" ) $sql .= " AND val_timestamp='{$article_timestamp}'" ; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); while( $s = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) $ret[$s->val_timestamp][$s->val_type] = $s ; return $ret ; } function validate_form ( $article_title = "" ) { global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgUser; if ( $wgUser->getID() == 0 ) return ; # Anon if ( $article_title == "" ) { $article_title = $_GET['article'] ; # $heading = "

" . $article->getPrefixedText() . "

\n" ; $heading = "

" . $article_title . "

\n" ; } else $heading = "" ; $article_time = "" ; if ( isset ( $_GET['timestamp'] ) ) $article_time = $_GET['timestamp'] ; $article = Title::newFromText ( $article_title ) ; # Now we get all the "votes" for the different versions of this article for this user $val = $this->get_prev_data ( $wgUser->getID() , $article_title ) ; # User has clicked "Doit" before, so evaluate form if ( isset ( $_POST['doit'] ) ) { $oldtime = $_POST['oldtime'] ; if ( !isset ( $val["{$oldtime}"] ) ) $val["{$oldtime}"] = array () ; if ( isset ( $_POST['clear_other'] ) && $_POST['clear_other'] == 1 ) # Clear all others { $sql = "DELETE FROM validate WHERE val_title='{$article_title}' AND val_timestamp<>'{$oldtime}' AND val_user='" ; $sql .= $wgUser->getID() . "'" ; wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE ); $val2 = $val["{$oldtime}"] ; # Only version left $val = array () ; # So clear others $val["{$oldtime}"] = $val2 ; } # Delete old "votes" for this version $sql = "DELETE FROM validate WHERE val_title='{$article_title}' AND val_timestamp='{$oldtime}' AND val_user='" ; $sql .= $wgUser->getID() . "'" ; wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE ); for ( $idx = 0 ; $idx < count ( $this->types) ; $idx++ ) # Changes { $comment = $_POST["comment{$idx}"] ; $comment_sql = str_replace ( "'" , "\'" , $comment ) ; $rad = $_POST["rad{$idx}"] ; if ( !isset ( $val["{$oldtime}"][$idx] ) ) $val["{$oldtime}"][$idx] = "" ; $val["{$oldtime}"][$idx]->val_value = $rad ; $val["{$oldtime}"][$idx]->val_comment = $comment ; if ( $rad != -1 ) { # Store it in the database $sql = "INSERT INTO validate (val_user,val_title,val_timestamp,val_type,val_value,val_comment) " . "VALUES ( '" . $wgUser->getID() . "','{$article_title}','{$oldtime}','{$idx}','{$rad}','{$comment_sql}')" ; if ( $rad != -1 ) wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE ); } } } # Generating HTML $html = $heading ; foreach ( $val AS $time => $stuff ) { if ( $time == $article_time ) $html .= "

This version

\n" ; else $html .= "

Version of {$time}

\n" ; $html .= "
\n" ; $html .= "" ; $html .= "\n" ; $html .= "\n" ; for ( $idx = 0 ; $idx < count ( $this->types) ; $idx++ ) { $x = explode ( "|" , $this->types[$idx] , 4 ) ; if ( isset ( $stuff[$idx] ) ) $choice = $stuff[$idx]->val_value ; else $choice = -1 ; if ( isset ( $stuff[$idx] ) ) $comment = $stuff[$idx]->val_comment ; else $comment = "" ; $html .= "" ; $html .= "\n" ; } $html .= "" ; $html .= "
{$x[0]}{$x[1]}" ; for ( $cnt = 0 ; $cnt < $x[3] ; $cnt++) { $html .= "" ; $html .= "
" ; $html .= str_replace ( "$1" , $article->getPrefixedURL() , wfMsg("clear_old") ) ; $html .= "
\n" ; } return $html ; } function getData ( $user = -1 , $title = "" , $type = -1 ) { $ret = array () ; $sql = array () ; if ( $user != -1 ) $sql[] = "val_user='{$user}'" ; if ( $type != -1 ) $sql[] = "val_type='{$type}'" ; if ( $title != "" ) $sql[] = "val_title='{$title}'" ; $sql = implode ( " AND " , $sql ) ; if ( $sql != "" ) $sql = " WHERE " . $sql ; $sql = "SELECT * FROM validate" . $sql ; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); while( $s = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) $ret["{$s->val_title}"]["{$s->val_timestamp}"]["{$s->val_type}"] = $s ; return $ret ; } function getPageStatistics ( $article_title = "" ) { $article_title = $_GET['article'] ; $html = "

Page validation statistics

\n" ; $d = $this->getData ( -1 , $article_title , -1 ) ; if ( count ( $d ) ) $d = array_shift ( $d ) ; else $d = array () ; $html .= "\n" ; $html .= "" ; foreach ( $this->types AS $idx => $title ) { $title = explode ( "|" , $title ) ; $html .= "" ; } $html .= "\n" ; foreach ( $d AS $version => $data ) { $html .= "" ; $html .= "" ; $vmax = array() ; $vcur = array() ; foreach ( $data AS $type => $x ) { if ( !isset ( $vcur[$type] ) ) $vcur[$type] = 0 ; if ( !isset ( $vmax[$type] ) ) $vmax[$type] = 0 ; $vcur[$type] += $x->val_value ; $vmax[$type] += $title[3] ; } foreach ( $this->types AS $idx => $title ) { $html .= "" ; } $html .= "" ; } $html .= "
{$version}" ; if ( isset ( $vcur[$idx] ) ) { $average = 100 * $vcur[$idx] / $vmax[$idx] ; $h = wfMsg ( "val_percent" ) ; $h = str_replace ( "$1" , $average , $h ) ; $h = str_replace ( "$2" , $vcur[$idx] , $h ) ; $h = str_replace ( "$3" , $vmax[$idx] , $h ) ; $html .= $h ; } else $html .= "(" . wfMsg ( "val_noop" ) . ")" ; $html .= "
\n" ; return $html ; } } function wfSpecialValidate( $page = "" ) { global $wgOut ; if ( isset ( $_GET['mode'] ) ) $mode = $_GET['mode'] ; else $mode = "form" ; $v = new Validation ; $html = "" ; if ( $mode == "form" ) { $html = $v->validate_form () ; } else if ( $mode == "stat_page" ) { $html = $v->getPageStatistics () ; } $wgOut->addHTML( $html ) ; } ?>