mergeParams( $wiki, $suffix, $params, $wikiTags ); return $this->getSetting( $settingName, $wiki, $params ); } /** * Really retrieves a configuration setting for a given wiki. * * @param $settingName String ID of the setting name to retrieve. * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $params Array: array of parameters. * @return Mixed the value of the setting requested. */ protected function getSetting( $settingName, $wiki, /*array*/ $params ){ $retval = null; if( array_key_exists( $settingName, $this->settings ) ) { $thisSetting =& $this->settings[$settingName]; do { // Do individual wiki settings if( array_key_exists( $wiki, $thisSetting ) ) { $retval = $thisSetting[$wiki]; break; } elseif( array_key_exists( "+$wiki", $thisSetting ) && is_array( $thisSetting["+$wiki"] ) ) { $retval = $thisSetting["+$wiki"]; } // Do tag settings foreach( $params['tags'] as $tag ) { if( array_key_exists( $tag, $thisSetting ) ) { if ( isset( $retval ) && is_array( $retval ) && is_array( $thisSetting[$tag] ) ) { $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting[$tag] ); } else { $retval = $thisSetting[$tag]; } break 2; } elseif( array_key_exists( "+$tag", $thisSetting ) && is_array($thisSetting["+$tag"]) ) { if( !isset( $retval ) ) $retval = array(); $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting["+$tag"] ); } } // Do suffix settings $suffix = $params['suffix']; if( !is_null( $suffix ) ) { if( array_key_exists( $suffix, $thisSetting ) ) { if ( isset($retval) && is_array($retval) && is_array($thisSetting[$suffix]) ) { $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting[$suffix] ); } else { $retval = $thisSetting[$suffix]; } break; } elseif( array_key_exists( "+$suffix", $thisSetting ) && is_array($thisSetting["+$suffix"]) ) { if (!isset($retval)) $retval = array(); $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting["+$suffix"] ); } } // Fall back to default. if( array_key_exists( 'default', $thisSetting ) ) { if( is_array( $retval ) && is_array( $thisSetting['default'] ) ) { $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting['default'] ); } else { $retval = $thisSetting['default']; } break; } } while ( false ); } if( !is_null( $retval ) && count( $params['params'] ) ) { foreach ( $params['params'] as $key => $value ) { $retval = $this->doReplace( '$' . $key, $value, $retval ); } } return $retval; } /** * Type-safe string replace; won't do replacements on non-strings * private? * * @param $from * @param $to * @param $in * @return string */ function doReplace( $from, $to, $in ) { if( is_string( $in ) ) { return str_replace( $from, $to, $in ); } elseif( is_array( $in ) ) { foreach( $in as $key => $val ) { $in[$key] = $this->doReplace( $from, $to, $val ); } return $in; } else { return $in; } } /** * Gets all settings for a wiki * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $suffix String The suffix of the wiki in question. * @param $params Array List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data. * @param $wikiTags Array The tags assigned to the wiki. * @return Array Array of settings requested. */ public function getAll( $wiki, $suffix = null, $params = array(), $wikiTags = array() ) { $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $suffix, $params, $wikiTags ); $localSettings = array(); foreach( $this->settings as $varname => $stuff ) { $append = false; $var = $varname; if ( substr( $varname, 0, 1 ) == '+' ) { $append = true; $var = substr( $varname, 1 ); } $value = $this->getSetting( $varname, $wiki, $params ); if ( $append && is_array( $value ) && is_array( $GLOBALS[$var] ) ) $value = self::arrayMerge( $value, $GLOBALS[$var] ); if ( !is_null( $value ) ) { $localSettings[$var] = $value; } } return $localSettings; } /** * Retrieves a configuration setting for a given wiki, forced to a boolean. * @param $setting String ID of the setting name to retrieve * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $suffix String The suffix of the wiki in question. * @param $wikiTags Array The tags assigned to the wiki. * @return bool The value of the setting requested. */ public function getBool( $setting, $wiki, $suffix = null, $wikiTags = array() ) { return (bool)($this->get( $setting, $wiki, $suffix, array(), $wikiTags ) ); } /** * Retrieves an array of local databases * * @return array */ function &getLocalDatabases() { return $this->wikis; } /** A no-op */ function initialise() { } /** * Retrieves the value of a given setting, and places it in a variable passed by reference. * @param $setting String ID of the setting name to retrieve * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $suffix String The suffix of the wiki in question. * @param $var Reference The variable to insert the value into. * @param $params Array List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data. * @param $wikiTags Array The tags assigned to the wiki. */ public function extractVar( $setting, $wiki, $suffix, &$var, $params = array(), $wikiTags = array() ) { $value = $this->get( $setting, $wiki, $suffix, $params, $wikiTags ); if ( !is_null( $value ) ) { $var = $value; } } /** * Retrieves the value of a given setting, and places it in its corresponding global variable. * @param $setting String ID of the setting name to retrieve * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $suffix String The suffix of the wiki in question. * @param $params Array List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data. * @param $wikiTags Array The tags assigned to the wiki. */ public function extractGlobal( $setting, $wiki, $suffix = null, $params = array(), $wikiTags = array() ) { $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $suffix, $params, $wikiTags ); $this->extractGlobalSetting( $setting, $wiki, $params ); } /** * @param $setting string * @param $wiki string * @param $params array */ public function extractGlobalSetting( $setting, $wiki, $params ) { $value = $this->getSetting( $setting, $wiki, $params ); if ( !is_null( $value ) ) { if (substr($setting,0,1) == '+' && is_array($value)) { $setting = substr($setting,1); if ( is_array($GLOBALS[$setting]) ) { $GLOBALS[$setting] = self::arrayMerge( $GLOBALS[$setting], $value ); } else { $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value; } } else { $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value; } } } /** * Retrieves the values of all settings, and places them in their corresponding global variables. * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $suffix String The suffix of the wiki in question. * @param $params Array List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data. * @param $wikiTags Array The tags assigned to the wiki. */ public function extractAllGlobals( $wiki, $suffix = null, $params = array(), $wikiTags = array() ) { $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $suffix, $params, $wikiTags ); foreach ( $this->settings as $varName => $setting ) { $this->extractGlobalSetting( $varName, $wiki, $params ); } } /** * Return specific settings for $wiki * See the documentation of self::$siteParamsCallback for more in-depth * documentation about this function * * @param $wiki String * @return array */ protected function getWikiParams( $wiki ){ static $default = array( 'suffix' => null, 'lang' => null, 'tags' => array(), 'params' => array(), ); if( !is_callable( $this->siteParamsCallback ) ) { return $default; } $ret = call_user_func_array( $this->siteParamsCallback, array( $this, $wiki ) ); # Validate the returned value if( !is_array( $ret ) ) { return $default; } foreach( $default as $name => $def ){ if( !isset( $ret[$name] ) || ( is_array( $default[$name] ) && !is_array( $ret[$name] ) ) ) $ret[$name] = $default[$name]; } return $ret; } /** * Merge params between the ones passed to the function and the ones given * by self::$siteParamsCallback for backward compatibility * Values returned by self::getWikiParams() have the priority. * * @param $wiki String Wiki ID of the wiki in question. * @param $suffix String The suffix of the wiki in question. * @param $params Array List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in * all returned data. * @param $wikiTags Array The tags assigned to the wiki. * @return array */ protected function mergeParams( $wiki, $suffix, /*array*/ $params, /*array*/ $wikiTags ){ $ret = $this->getWikiParams( $wiki ); if( is_null( $ret['suffix'] ) ) $ret['suffix'] = $suffix; $ret['tags'] = array_unique( array_merge( $ret['tags'], $wikiTags ) ); $ret['params'] += $params; // Automatically fill that ones if needed if( !isset( $ret['params']['lang'] ) && !is_null( $ret['lang'] ) ) $ret['params']['lang'] = $ret['lang']; if( !isset( $ret['params']['site'] ) && !is_null( $ret['suffix'] ) ) $ret['params']['site'] = $ret['suffix']; return $ret; } /** * Work out the site and language name from a database name * @param $db * * @return array */ public function siteFromDB( $db ) { // Allow override $def = $this->getWikiParams( $db ); if( !is_null( $def['suffix'] ) && !is_null( $def['lang'] ) ) return array( $def['suffix'], $def['lang'] ); $site = null; $lang = null; foreach ( $this->suffixes as $suffix ) { if ( $suffix === '' ) { $site = ''; $lang = $db; break; } elseif ( substr( $db, -strlen( $suffix ) ) == $suffix ) { $site = $suffix == 'wiki' ? 'wikipedia' : $suffix; $lang = substr( $db, 0, strlen( $db ) - strlen( $suffix ) ); break; } } $lang = str_replace( '_', '-', $lang ); return array( $site, $lang ); } /** * Returns true if the given vhost is handled locally. * @param $vhost String * @return bool */ public function isLocalVHost( $vhost ) { return in_array( $vhost, $this->localVHosts ); } /** * Merge multiple arrays together. * On encountering duplicate keys, merge the two, but ONLY if they're arrays. * PHP's array_merge_recursive() merges ANY duplicate values into arrays, * which is not fun * * @param $array1 array * * @return array */ static function arrayMerge( $array1/* ... */ ) { $out = $array1; for( $i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++ ) { foreach( func_get_arg( $i ) as $key => $value ) { if ( isset($out[$key]) && is_array($out[$key]) && is_array($value) ) { $out[$key] = self::arrayMerge( $out[$key], $value ); } elseif ( !isset($out[$key]) || !$out[$key] && !is_numeric($key) ) { // Values that evaluate to true given precedence, for the primary purpose of merging permissions arrays. $out[$key] = $value; } elseif ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { $out[] = $value; } } } return $out; } public function loadFullData() { if ($this->fullLoadCallback && !$this->fullLoadDone) { call_user_func( $this->fullLoadCallback, $this ); $this->fullLoadDone = true; } } }