getDBkey(); $hash = md5( $name ); $url = "{$wgUploadPath}/" . $hash{0} . "/" . substr( $hash, 0, 2 ) . "/{$name}"; return wfUrlencode( $url ); } function wfImageArchiveUrl( $name ) { global $wgUploadPath; $hash = md5( substr( $name, 15) ); $url = "{$wgUploadPath}/archive/" . $hash{0} . "/" . substr( $hash, 0, 2 ) . "/{$name}"; return $url; } function wfUrlencode ( $s ) { $ulink = urlencode( $s ); $ulink = preg_replace( "/%3[Aa]/", ":", $ulink ); $ulink = preg_replace( "/%2[Ff]/", "/", $ulink ); return $ulink; } function wfUtf8Sequence($codepoint) { if($codepoint < 0x80) return chr($codepoint); if($codepoint < 0x800) return chr($codepoint >> 6 & 0x3f | 0xc0) . chr($codepoint & 0x3f | 0x80); if($codepoint < 0x10000) return chr($codepoint >> 12 & 0x0f | 0xe0) . chr($codepoint >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80) . chr($codepoint & 0x3f | 0x80); if($codepoint < 0x100000) return chr($codepoint >> 18 & 0x07 | 0xf0) . # Double-check this chr($codepoint >> 12 & 0x3f | 0x80) . chr($codepoint >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80) . chr($codepoint & 0x3f | 0x80); # Doesn't yet handle outside the BMP return "&#$codepoint;"; } function wfMungeToUtf8($string) { global $wgInputEncoding; # This is debatable #$string = iconv($wgInputEncoding, "UTF-8", $string); $string = preg_replace ( '/&#([0-9]+);/e', 'wfUtf8Sequence($1)', $string ); $string = preg_replace ( '/&#x([0-9a-f]+);/ie', 'wfUtf8Sequence(0x$1)', $string ); # Should also do named entities here return $string; } function wfDebug( $text, $logonly = false ) { global $wgOut, $wgDebugLogFile; if ( ! $logonly ) { $wgOut->debug( $text ); } if ( "" != $wgDebugLogFile ) { error_log( $text, 3, $wgDebugLogFile ); } } if( !isset( $wgProfiling ) ) $wgProfiling = false; $wgProfileStack = array(); $wgProfileWorkStack = array(); if( $wgProfiling ) { function wfProfileIn( $functionname ) { global $wgProfileStack, $wgProfileWorkStack; array_push( $wgProfileWorkStack, "$functionname " . count( $wgProfileWorkStack ) . " " . microtime() ); } function wfProfileOut() { global $wgProfileStack, $wgProfileWorkStack; $bit = array_pop( $wgProfileWorkStack ); $bit .= " " . microtime(); array_push( $wgProfileStack, $bit ); } } else { function wfProfileIn( $functionname ) { } function wfProfileOut( ) { } } function wfReadOnly() { global $wgReadOnlyFile; if ( "" == $wgReadOnlyFile ) { return false; } return is_file( $wgReadOnlyFile ); } $wgReplacementKeys = array( "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$5", "$6", "$7", "$8", "$9" ); function wfMsg( $key ) { global $wgLang, $wgReplacementKeys; $ret = $wgLang->getMessage( $key ); if( func_num_args() > 1 ) { $reps = func_get_args(); array_shift( $reps ); $ret = str_replace( $wgReplacementKeys, $reps, $ret ); } if ( "" == $ret ) { user_error( "Couldn't find text for message \"{$key}\"." ); } return $ret; } function wfCleanFormFields( $fields ) { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgEditEncoding, $wgLang; if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { foreach ( $fields as $fname ) { if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] ) ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] = stripslashes( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] ); } global ${$fname}; if ( isset( ${$fname} ) ) { ${$fname} = stripslashes( ${$fname} ); } } } $enc = $wgOutputEncoding; if( $wgEditEncoding != "") $enc = $wgEditEncoding; if ( $enc != $wgInputEncoding ) { foreach ( $fields as $fname ) { if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] ) ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] = $wgLang->iconv( $wgOutputEncoding, $wgInputEncoding, $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] ); } global ${$fname}; if ( isset( ${$fname} ) ) { ${$fname} = $wgLang->iconv( $enc, $wgInputEncoding, ${$fname} ); } } } } function wfMungeQuotes( $in ) { $out = str_replace( "%", "%25", $in ); $out = str_replace( "'", "%27", $out ); $out = str_replace( "\"", "%22", $out ); return $out; } function wfDemungeQuotes( $in ) { $out = str_replace( "%22", "\"", $in ); $out = str_replace( "%27", "'", $out ); $out = str_replace( "%25", "%", $out ); return $out; } function wfCleanQueryVar( $var ) { global $wgLang; if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $var = stripslashes( $var ); } return $wgLang->recodeInput( $var ); } function wfSpecialPage() { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgLang; $validSP = $wgLang->getValidSpecialPages(); $sysopSP = $wgLang->getSysopSpecialPages(); $devSP = $wgLang->getDeveloperSpecialPages(); $wgOut->setArticleFlag( false ); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy( "noindex,follow" ); $t = $wgTitle->getDBkey(); if ( array_key_exists( $t, $validSP ) || ( $wgUser->isSysop() && array_key_exists( $t, $sysopSP ) ) || ( $wgUser->isDeveloper() && array_key_exists( $t, $devSP ) ) ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( strtolower( $wgTitle->getText() ) ) ); $inc = "Special" . $t . ".php"; include_once( $inc ); $call = "wfSpecial" . $t; $call(); } else if ( array_key_exists( $t, $sysopSP ) ) { $wgOut->sysopRequired(); } else if ( array_key_exists( $t, $devSP ) ) { $wgOut->developerRequired(); } else { $wgOut->errorpage( "nosuchspecialpage", "nospecialpagetext" ); } } function wfSearch( $s ) { $se = new SearchEngine( wfCleanQueryVar( $s ) ); $se->showResults(); } function wfGo( $s ) { # pick the nearest match $se = new SearchEngine( wfCleanQueryVar( $s ) ); $se->goResult(); } function wfNumberOfArticles() { global $wgNumberOfArticles; wfLoadSiteStats(); return $wgNumberOfArticles; } /* private */ function wfLoadSiteStats() { global $wgNumberOfArticles, $wgTotalViews, $wgTotalEdits; if ( -1 != $wgNumberOfArticles ) return; $sql = "SELECT ss_total_views, ss_total_edits, ss_good_articles " . "FROM site_stats WHERE ss_row_id=1"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, "wfLoadSiteStats" ); if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { return; } else { $s = wfFetchObject( $res ); $wgTotalViews = $s->ss_total_views; $wgTotalEdits = $s->ss_total_edits; $wgNumberOfArticles = $s->ss_good_articles; } } function wfEscapeHTML( $in ) { return str_replace( array( "&", "\"", ">", "<" ), array( "&", """, ">", "<" ), $in ); } function wfEscapeHTMLTagsOnly( $in ) { return str_replace( array( "\"", ">", "<" ), array( """, ">", "<" ), $in ); } function wfUnescapeHTML( $in ) { $in = str_replace( "<", "<", $in ); $in = str_replace( ">", ">", $in ); $in = str_replace( """, "\"", $in ); $in = str_replace( "&", "&", $in ); return $in; } function wfImageDir( $fname ) { global $wgUploadDirectory; $hash = md5( $fname ); $oldumask = umask(0); $dest = $wgUploadDirectory . "/" . $hash{0}; if ( ! is_dir( $dest ) ) { mkdir( $dest, 0777 ); } $dest .= "/" . substr( $hash, 0, 2 ); if ( ! is_dir( $dest ) ) { mkdir( $dest, 0777 ); } umask( $oldumask ); return $dest; } function wfImageArchiveDir( $fname ) { global $wgUploadDirectory; $hash = md5( $fname ); $oldumask = umask(0); $archive = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/archive"; if ( ! is_dir( $archive ) ) { mkdir( $archive, 0777 ); } $archive .= "/" . $hash{0}; if ( ! is_dir( $archive ) ) { mkdir( $archive, 0777 ); } $archive .= "/" . substr( $hash, 0, 2 ); if ( ! is_dir( $archive ) ) { mkdir( $archive, 0777 ); } umask( $oldumask ); return $archive; } function wfRecordUpload( $name, $oldver, $size, $desc ) { global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgTitle, $wgOut, $wgDeferredUpdateList; $fname = "wfRecordUpload"; $sql = "SELECT img_name,img_size,img_timestamp,img_description,img_user," . "img_user_text FROM image WHERE img_name='" . wfStrencode( $name ) . "'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { $sql = "INSERT INTO image (img_name,img_size,img_timestamp," . "img_description,img_user,img_user_text) VALUES ('" . wfStrencode( $name ) . "',{$size},'" . date( "YmdHis" ) . "','" . wfStrencode( $desc ) . "', '" . $wgUser->getID() . "', '" . wfStrencode( $wgUser->getName() ) . "')"; wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); $sql = "SELECT cur_id,cur_text FROM cur WHERE cur_namespace=" . Namespace::getImage() . " AND cur_title='" . wfStrencode( $name ) . "'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { $now = wfTimestampNow(); $won = wfInvertTimestamp( $now ); $common = Namespace::getImage() . ",'" . wfStrencode( $name ) . "','" . wfStrencode( $desc ) . "','" . $wgUser->getID() . "','" . wfStrencode( $wgUser->getName() ) . "','" . $now . "',1"; $sql = "INSERT INTO cur (cur_namespace,cur_title," . "cur_comment,cur_user,cur_user_text,cur_timestamp,cur_is_new," . "cur_text,inverse_timestamp) VALUES (" . $common . ",'" . wfStrencode( $desc ) . "','{$won}')"; wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); $id = wfInsertId() or 0; # We should throw an error instead $sql = "INSERT INTO recentchanges (rc_namespace,rc_title, rc_comment,rc_user,rc_user_text,rc_timestamp,rc_new, rc_cur_id,rc_cur_time) VALUES ({$common},{$id},'{$now}')"; wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); $u = new SearchUpdate( $id, $name, $desc ); $u->doUpdate(); } } else { $s = wfFetchObject( $res ); $sql = "INSERT INTO oldimage (oi_name,oi_archive_name,oi_size," . "oi_timestamp,oi_description,oi_user,oi_user_text) VALUES ('" . wfStrencode( $s->img_name ) . "','" . wfStrencode( $oldver ) . "',{$s->img_size},'{$s->img_timestamp}','" . wfStrencode( $s->img_description ) . "','" . wfStrencode( $s->img_user ) . "','" . wfStrencode( $s->img_user_text) . "')"; wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); $sql = "UPDATE image SET img_size={$size}," . "img_timestamp='" . date( "YmdHis" ) . "',img_user='" . $wgUser->getID() . "',img_user_text='" . wfStrencode( $wgUser->getName() ) . "', img_description='" . wfStrencode( $desc ) . "' WHERE img_name='" . wfStrencode( $name ) . "'"; wfQuery( $sql, $fname ); } $log = new LogPage( wfMsg( "uploadlogpage" ), wfMsg( "uploadlogpagetext" ) ); $da = str_replace( "$1", "[[:" . $wgLang->getNsText( Namespace::getImage() ) . ":{$name}|{$name}]]", wfMsg( "uploadedimage" ) ); $ta = str_replace( "$1", $name, wfMsg( "uploadedimage" ) ); $log->addEntry( $da, $desc, $ta ); } /* Some generic result counters, pulled out of SearchEngine */ function wfShowingResults( $offset, $limit ) { $top = str_replace( "$1", $limit, wfMsg( "showingresults" ) ); $top = str_replace( "$2", $offset+1, $top ); return $top; } function wfViewPrevNext( $offset, $limit, $link, $query = "" ) { global $wgUser; $prev = str_replace( "$1", $limit, wfMsg( "prevn" ) ); $next = str_replace( "$1", $limit, wfMsg( "nextn" ) ); $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); if ( 0 != $offset ) { $po = $offset - $limit; if ( $po < 0 ) { $po = 0; } $q = "limit={$limit}&offset={$po}"; if ( "" != $query ) { $q .= "&{$query}"; } $plink = "{$prev}"; } else { $plink = $prev; } $no = $offset + $limit; $q = "limit={$limit}&offset={$no}"; if ( "" != $query ) { $q .= "&{$query}"; } $nlink = "{$next}"; $nums = wfNumLink( $offset, 20, $link , $query ) . " | " . wfNumLink( $offset, 50, $link, $query ) . " | " . wfNumLink( $offset, 100, $link, $query ) . " | " . wfNumLink( $offset, 250, $link, $query ) . " | " . wfNumLink( $offset, 500, $link, $query ); $sl = str_replace( "$1", $plink, wfMsg( "viewprevnext" ) ); $sl = str_replace( "$2", $nlink, $sl ); $sl = str_replace( "$3", $nums, $sl ); return $sl; } function wfNumLink( $offset, $limit, $link, $query = "" ) { global $wgUser; if ( "" == $query ) { $q = ""; } else { $q = "{$query}&"; } $q .= "limit={$limit}&offset={$offset}"; $s = "{$limit}"; return $s; } ?>