If this error persists after reloading and clearing " . "your browser cache, please notify the Wikipedia developers.

"; if ( $altuser != "" ) { $serve = ($altserver ? $altserver : $wgDBserver ); $db = ($altdb ? $altdb : $wgDBname ); $wgDBconnection = mysql_connect( $serve, $altuser, $altpassword ) or die( "bad sql user" ); mysql_select_db( $db, $wgDBconnection ) or die( htmlspecialchars(mysql_error()) ); } if ( ! $wgDBconnection ) { @$wgDBconnection = mysql_connect( $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword ) or wfEmergencyAbort(); @mysql_select_db( $wgDBname, $wgDBconnection ) or wfEmergencyAbort(); } # mysql_ping( $wgDBconnection ); return $wgDBconnection; } /* Call this function if we couldn't contact the database... We'll try to use the cache to display something in the meantime */ function wfEmergencyAbort( $msg = "" ) { global $wgTitle, $wgUseFileCache, $title, $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding; header( "Content-type: text/html; charset=$wgOutputEncoding" ); if($msg == "") $msg = wfMsgNoDB( "noconnect" ); $text = $msg; if($wgUseFileCache) { if($wgTitle) { $t =& $wgTitle; } else { if($title) { $t = Title::newFromURL( $title ); } elseif ($_REQUEST['search']) { $search = $_REQUEST['search']; echo wfMsgNoDB( "searchdisabled", htmlspecialchars( $search ), $wgInputEncoding ); wfAbruptExit(); } else { $t = Title::newFromText( wfMsgNoDB( "mainpage" ) ); } } $cache = new CacheManager( $t ); if( $cache->isFileCached() ) { $msg = "

\n" . wfMsgNoDB( "cachederror" ) . "

\n"; $tag = "
"; $text = str_replace( $tag, $tag . $msg, $cache->fetchPageText() ); } } /* Don't cache error pages! They cause no end of trouble... */ header( "Cache-control: none" ); header( "Pragma: nocache" ); echo $text; wfAbruptExit(); } # $db: DB_READ = -1 read from slave (or only server) # DB_WRITE = -2 write to master (or only server) # 0,1,2,... query a database with a specific index # Replication is not actually implemented just yet function wfQuery( $sql, $db, $fname = "" ) { global $wgLastDatabaseQuery, $wgOut, $wgDebugDumpSql, $wgBufferSQLResults, $wgIgnoreSQLErrors, $wgProfiling; if ( $wgProfiling ) { # wfGeneralizeSQL will probably cut down the query to reasonable # logging size most of the time. The substr is really just a sanity check. $profName = "wfQuery: " . substr( wfGeneralizeSQL( $sql ), 0, 255 ); wfProfileIn( $profName ); } if ( !is_numeric( $db ) ) { # Someone has tried to call this the old way $wgOut->fatalError( wfMsgNoDB( "wrong_wfQuery_params", $db, $sql ) ); } $wgLastDatabaseQuery = $sql; if( $wgDebugDumpSql ) { $sqlx = substr( $sql, 0, 500 ); $sqlx = wordwrap(strtr($sqlx,"\t\n"," ")); wfDebug( "SQL: $sqlx\n" ); } $conn = wfGetDB(); if( $wgBufferSQLResults ) { $ret = mysql_query( $sql, $conn ); } else { $ret = mysql_unbuffered_query( $sql, $conn ); } if ( false === $ret ) { if( $wgIgnoreSQLErrors ) { wfDebug("SQL ERROR (ignored): " . mysql_error( $conn ) . "\n"); } else { wfDebug("SQL ERROR: " . mysql_error( $conn ) . "\n"); $wgOut->databaseError( $fname ); // calls wfAbruptExit() } } if ( $wgProfiling ) { wfProfileOut( $profName ); } return $ret; } # Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false). Default is # "on" and it should not be changed without good reasons. # Returns the previous state. function wfBufferSQLResults( $newstate ){ global $wgBufferSQLResults; $oldstate = $wgBufferSQLResults; $wgBufferSQLResults = $newstate; return $oldstate; } # Turns on (false) or off (true) the automatic generation and sending # of a "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" page on # database errors. Default is on (false). When turned off, the # code should use wfLastErrno() and wfLastError() to handle the # situation as appropriate. # Returns the previous state. function wfIgnoreSQLErrors( $newstate ){ global $wgIgnoreSQLErrors; $oldstate = $wgIgnoreSQLErrors; $wgIgnoreSQLErrors = $newstate; return $oldstate; } function wfFreeResult( $res ) { mysql_free_result( $res ); } function wfFetchObject( $res ) { return mysql_fetch_object( $res ); } function wfNumRows( $res ) { return mysql_num_rows( $res ); } function wfNumFields( $res ) { return mysql_num_fields( $res ); } function wfFieldName( $res, $n ) { return mysql_field_name( $res, $n ); } function wfInsertId() { return mysql_insert_id( wfGetDB() ); } function wfDataSeek( $res, $row ) { return mysql_data_seek( $res, $row ); } function wfLastErrno() { return mysql_errno(); } function wfLastError() { return mysql_error(); } function wfAffectedRows() { return mysql_affected_rows( wfGetDB() ); } function wfLastDBquery() { global $wgLastDatabaseQuery; return $wgLastDatabaseQuery; } function wfSetSQL( $table, $var, $value, $cond ) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $var = '" . wfStrencode( $value ) . "' WHERE ($cond)"; wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE, "wfSetSQL" ); } function wfGetSQL( $table, $var, $cond ) { $sql = "SELECT $var FROM $table WHERE ($cond)"; $result = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, "wfGetSQL" ); $ret = ""; if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) { $s = mysql_fetch_object( $result ); $ret = $s->$var; mysql_free_result( $result ); } return $ret; } function wfStrencode( $s ) { return addslashes( $s ); } # Ideally we'd be using actual time fields in the db function wfTimestamp2Unix( $ts ) { return gmmktime( ( (int)substr( $ts, 8, 2) ), (int)substr( $ts, 10, 2 ), (int)substr( $ts, 12, 2 ), (int)substr( $ts, 4, 2 ), (int)substr( $ts, 6, 2 ), (int)substr( $ts, 0, 4 ) ); } function wfUnix2Timestamp( $unixtime ) { return gmdate( "YmdHis", $unixtime ); } function wfTimestampNow() { # return NOW return gmdate( "YmdHis" ); } # Sorting hack for MySQL 3, which doesn't use index sorts for DESC function wfInvertTimestamp( $ts ) { return strtr( $ts, "0123456789", "9876543210" ); } # Removes most variables from an SQL query and replaces them with X or N for numbers. # It's only slightly flawed. Don't use for anything important. function wfGeneralizeSQL( $sql ) { # This does the same as the regexp below would do, but in such a way # as to avoid crashing php on some large strings. # $sql = preg_replace ( "/'([^\\\\']|\\\\.)*'|\"([^\\\\\"]|\\\\.)*\"/", "'X'", $sql); $sql = str_replace ( "\\\\", "", $sql); $sql = str_replace ( "\\'", "", $sql); $sql = str_replace ( "\\\"", "", $sql); $sql = preg_replace ("/'.*'/s", "'X'", $sql); $sql = preg_replace ('/".*"/s', "'X'", $sql); # All newlines, tabs, etc replaced by single space $sql = preg_replace ( "/\s+/", " ", $sql); # All numbers => N $sql = preg_replace ('/-?[0-9]+/s', "N", $sql); return $sql; } function wfFieldExists( $table, $field ) { $fname = "wfFieldExists"; $res = wfQuery( "DESCRIBE $table", DB_READ, $fname ); $found = false; while ( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { if ( $row->Field == $field ) { $found = true; break; } } return $found; } function wfIndexExists( $table, $index ) { global $wgDBname; $fname = "wfIndexExists"; $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM $table"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, $fname ); $found = false; while ( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { if ( $row->Key_name == $index ) { $found = true; break; } } return $found; } ?>