# http://www.mediawiki.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html /** * This is to be the fancy new installer package for MediaWiki, * which will work with table prefixes, both MySQL and PostgreSQL, and * ideally such wacky things as text-based install as well as web. * * It's not done yet. * * @todo finish... * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage Installer */ $IP = ".."; # Just to suppress notices, not for anything useful define( "MEDIAWIKI", true ); define( "MEDIAWIKI_INSTALL", true ); require_once( "../includes/Defines.php" ); require_once( "../includes/DefaultSettings.php" ); require_once( "../includes/MagicWord.php" ); require_once( "../includes/Namespace.php" ); require_once( "../install-utils.inc" ); require_once( "../maintenance/updaters.inc" ); require_once( "../maintenance/convertLinks.inc" ); require_once( "../maintenance/archives/moveCustomMessages.inc" ); class InstallInterface { function message( $text ) { echo $text . "\n"; } function warning( $text ) { echo "** $text **\n"; } function formatLink( $url, $text = '' ) { if( $text ) { return "$text ($url)"; } else { return $url; } } function showHeader() { global $wgVersion; echo "MediaWiki $wgVersion installation\n\n"; } } class Installer { var $settings = array(); function Installer( &$interface ) { $this->ui =& $interface; } function runInstall() { $this->ui->showHeader(); $this->preInstallChecks(); } function override( $var, $value ) { $this->settings[$var] = $value; } function preInstallChecks() { $checks = array( 'checkConfigured', 'checkInstalled', 'checkWritable', 'checkPHP', 'checkGlobals', 'checkSafeMode', 'checkSAPI', 'checkMemory', 'checkZlib', 'checkImageMagick', 'checkGD' ); foreach( $checks as $check ) { if( !$this->$check() ) { $this->ui->warning( "Installation aborted." ); return false; } } } function checkConfigured() { if( file_exists( "../LocalSettings.php" ) || file_exists( "../AdminSettings.php" ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "Already configured." ); return false; } return true; } function checkInstalled() { if( file_exists( "./LocalSettings.php" ) || file_exists( "./AdminSettings.php" ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "Already configured; move LocalSettings.php from this directory to the parent dir and take the wiki for a spin." ); return false; } return true; } function checkWritable() { if( !is_writable( "." ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "

Can't write config file, aborting

In order to configure the wiki you have to make the config subdirectory writable by the web server. Once configuration is done you'll move the created LocalSettings.php to the parent directory, and for added safety you can then remove the config subdirectory entirely.

To make the directory writable on a Unix/Linux system:

	cd /path/to/wiki
	chmod a+w config
" ); return false; } return true; } function checkPHP() { $ver = phpversion(); if( version_compare( $ver, "4.1.2", "lt" ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "Your version of PHP ($ver) is too old and will probably not work. We try to support 4.1.2 and above, but a current 4.3 or 5.0 release is preferred." ); return false; } $this->ui->message( "PHP version $ver, ok" ); if( version_compare( $ver, "gte", "5.0" ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "A PHP5-compatible version of the PHPTAL template system is not yet bundled. To get the regular default page layout, you will need to manually install a development snapshot. (The wiki will function normally using an older layout if you do not.)" ); } return true; } function checkGlobals() { if( ini_get( 'register_globals' ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "PHP's " . $this->ui->formatLink( "http://php.net/register_globals", "register_globals" ) . "option is enabled." . "MediaWiki will work correctly, but this setting increases your exposure to potential security vulnerabilities in PHP-based software running on your server. You should disable it if you are able." ); } return true; } function checkSafeMode() { if( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "PHP's safe mode is active! You will likely have problems caused by this. You may need to make the 'images' subdirectory writable or specify a TMP environment variable pointing to a writable temporary directory owned by you, since safe mode breaks the system temporary directory." ); $this->ui->message( "...due to safe mode restrictions, uploads will use flat directory mode if enabled." ); $this->override( 'wgHashedUploadDirectory', true ); } else { $this->ui->message( "PHP is not running in safe mode (this is good!)" ); $this->ui->message( "...uploads will use hashed directory tree mode if enabled." ); } return true; } function checkSAPI() { $sapi = php_sapi_name(); $this->ui->message( "PHP server API is $sapi..." ); switch( $sapi ) { case "apache": case "apache2handler": $this->ui->message( "...ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title)" ); break; case "cgi": case "cgi-fcgi": case "apache2filter": $this->ui->message( "using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title)" ); $this->override( 'prettyURLs', false ); # FIXME break; default: $this->ui->message( "unknown; using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title), if you have trouble change this in LocalSettings.php" ); } return true; } function checkMemory() { $memlimit = ini_get( "memory_limit" ); if( empty( $memlimit ) ) { $this->ui->message( "PHP is configured with no memory_limit." ); return true; } else { $this->ui->message( "PHP's memory_limit is $memlimit... " ); $n = IntVal( $memlimit ); if( preg_match( '/^([0-9]+)[Mm]$/', trim( $memlimit ), $m ) ) { $n = IntVal( $m[1] * (1024*1024) ); } if( $n < 20*1024*1024 ) { if( false === ini_set( "memory_limit", "20M" ) ) { $this->ui->warning( "...failed to raise the limit to 20M; you may have problems" ); } else { $this->ui->message( "...raising limit to 20M" ); $this->override( 'raiseMemory', true ); } } return true; } } function checkZlib() { $zlib = function_exists( "gzencode" ); if( $zlib ) { $this->ui->message( "Have zlib support; enabling output compression." ); # This is a runtime thing, we're just letting the user know about it? } else { $this->ui->message( "No zlib support." ); } return true; } function checkImageMagick() { $imcheck = array( "/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", "/sw/bin", "/opt/local/bin" ); foreach( $imcheck as $dir ) { $im = "$dir/convert"; if( file_exists( $im ) ) { $this->ui->message( "Found ImageMagick: $im; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads." ); $this->override( "wgImageMagick", $im ); $this->override( "wgUseImageResize", true ); break; } } return true; } function checkGD() { $gd = function_exists( "imagejpeg" ); if( $gd ) { $this->ui->message( "Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads" ); $this->override( "wgUseImageResize", true ); } else { if( !isset( $this->settings['wgUseImageResize'] ) ) { $this->warning( "Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled." ); } } return true; } } $ui =& new InstallInterface(); $i =& new Installer( $ui ); $i->runInstall(); ?>