tests: Replace implicit Bugzilla bug numbers with Phab ones
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / tests / qunit / suites / resources / mediawiki / mediawiki.loader.test.js
1 ( function ( mw, $ ) {
2 QUnit.module( 'mediawiki (mw.loader)', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( {
3 setup: function () {
4 mw.loader.store.enabled = false;
5 },
6 teardown: function () {
7 mw.loader.store.enabled = false;
8 }
9 } ) );
11 mw.loader.addSource(
12 'testloader',
13 QUnit.fixurl( mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/tests/qunit/data/load.mock.php' )
14 );
16 /**
17 * The sync style load test (for @import). This is, in a way, also an open bug for
18 * ResourceLoader ("execute js after styles are loaded"), but browsers don't offer a
19 * way to get a callback from when a stylesheet is loaded (that is, including any
20 * `@import` rules inside). To work around this, we'll have a little time loop to check
21 * if the styles apply.
22 *
23 * Note: This test originally used new Image() and onerror to get a callback
24 * when the url is loaded, but that is fragile since it doesn't monitor the
25 * same request as the css @import, and Safari 4 has issues with
26 * onerror/onload not being fired at all in weird cases like this.
27 */
28 function assertStyleAsync( assert, $element, prop, val, fn ) {
29 var styleTestStart,
30 el = $element.get( 0 ),
31 styleTestTimeout = ( QUnit.config.testTimeout || 5000 ) - 200;
33 function isCssImportApplied() {
34 // Trigger reflow, repaint, redraw, whatever (cross-browser)
35 var x = $element.css( 'height' );
36 x = el.innerHTML;
37 el.className = el.className;
38 x = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
40 return $element.css( prop ) === val;
41 }
43 function styleTestLoop() {
44 var styleTestSince = new Date().getTime() - styleTestStart;
45 // If it is passing or if we timed out, run the real test and stop the loop
46 if ( isCssImportApplied() || styleTestSince > styleTestTimeout ) {
47 assert.equal( $element.css( prop ), val,
48 'style "' + prop + ': ' + val + '" from url is applied (after ' + styleTestSince + 'ms)'
49 );
51 if ( fn ) {
52 fn();
53 }
55 return;
56 }
57 // Otherwise, keep polling
58 setTimeout( styleTestLoop );
59 }
61 // Start the loop
62 styleTestStart = new Date().getTime();
63 styleTestLoop();
64 }
66 function urlStyleTest( selector, prop, val ) {
67 return QUnit.fixurl(
68 mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) +
69 '/tests/qunit/data/styleTest.css.php?' +
70 $.param( {
71 selector: selector,
72 prop: prop,
73 val: val
74 } )
75 );
76 }
78 QUnit.test( 'Basic', 2, function ( assert ) {
79 var isAwesomeDone;
81 mw.loader.testCallback = function () {
82 assert.strictEqual( isAwesomeDone, undefined, 'Implementing module is.awesome: isAwesomeDone should still be undefined' );
83 isAwesomeDone = true;
84 };
86 mw.loader.implement( 'test.callback', [ QUnit.fixurl( mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/tests/qunit/data/callMwLoaderTestCallback.js' ) ] );
88 return mw.loader.using( 'test.callback', function () {
89 assert.strictEqual( isAwesomeDone, true, 'test.callback module should\'ve caused isAwesomeDone to be true' );
90 delete mw.loader.testCallback;
92 }, function () {
93 assert.ok( false, 'Error callback fired while loader.using "test.callback" module' );
94 } );
95 } );
97 QUnit.test( 'Object method as module name', 2, function ( assert ) {
98 var isAwesomeDone;
100 mw.loader.testCallback = function () {
101 assert.strictEqual( isAwesomeDone, undefined, 'Implementing module hasOwnProperty: isAwesomeDone should still be undefined' );
102 isAwesomeDone = true;
103 };
105 mw.loader.implement( 'hasOwnProperty', [ QUnit.fixurl( mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/tests/qunit/data/callMwLoaderTestCallback.js' ) ], {}, {} );
107 return mw.loader.using( 'hasOwnProperty', function () {
108 assert.strictEqual( isAwesomeDone, true, 'hasOwnProperty module should\'ve caused isAwesomeDone to be true' );
109 delete mw.loader.testCallback;
111 }, function () {
112 assert.ok( false, 'Error callback fired while loader.using "hasOwnProperty" module' );
113 } );
114 } );
116 QUnit.test( '.using( .. ) Promise', 2, function ( assert ) {
117 var isAwesomeDone;
119 mw.loader.testCallback = function () {
120 assert.strictEqual( isAwesomeDone, undefined, 'Implementing module is.awesome: isAwesomeDone should still be undefined' );
121 isAwesomeDone = true;
122 };
124 mw.loader.implement( 'test.promise', [ QUnit.fixurl( mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/tests/qunit/data/callMwLoaderTestCallback.js' ) ] );
126 return mw.loader.using( 'test.promise' )
127 .done( function () {
128 assert.strictEqual( isAwesomeDone, true, 'test.promise module should\'ve caused isAwesomeDone to be true' );
129 delete mw.loader.testCallback;
130 } )
131 .fail( function () {
132 assert.ok( false, 'Error callback fired while loader.using "test.promise" module' );
133 } );
134 } );
136 QUnit.test( '.using() Error: Circular dependency', function ( assert ) {
137 var done = assert.async();
139 mw.loader.register( [
140 [ 'test.circle1', '0', [ 'test.circle2' ] ],
141 [ 'test.circle2', '0', [ 'test.circle3' ] ],
142 [ 'test.circle3', '0', [ 'test.circle1' ] ]
143 ] );
144 mw.loader.using( 'test.circle3' ).then(
145 function done() {
146 assert.ok( false, 'Unexpected resolution, expected error.' );
147 },
148 function fail( e ) {
149 assert.ok( /Circular/.test( String( e ) ), 'Detect circular dependency' );
150 }
151 )
152 .always( done );
153 } );
155 QUnit.test( '.load() - Error: Circular dependency', function ( assert ) {
156 mw.loader.register( [
157 [ 'test.circleA', '0', [ 'test.circleB' ] ],
158 [ 'test.circleB', '0', [ 'test.circleC' ] ],
159 [ 'test.circleC', '0', [ 'test.circleA' ] ]
160 ] );
161 assert.throws( function () {
162 mw.loader.load( 'test.circleC' );
163 }, /Circular/, 'Detect circular dependency' );
164 } );
166 QUnit.test( '.using() - Error: Unregistered', function ( assert ) {
167 var done = assert.async();
169 mw.loader.using( 'test.using.unreg' ).then(
170 function done() {
171 assert.ok( false, 'Unexpected resolution, expected error.' );
172 },
173 function fail( e ) {
174 assert.ok( /Unknown/.test( String( e ) ), 'Detect unknown dependency' );
175 }
176 ).always( done );
177 } );
179 QUnit.test( '.load() - Error: Unregistered (ignored)', 0, function ( assert ) {
180 mw.loader.load( 'test.using.unreg2' );
181 } );
183 QUnit.test( '.implement( styles={ "css": [text, ..] } )', 2, function ( assert ) {
184 var $element = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-a"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
186 assert.notEqual(
187 $element.css( 'float' ),
188 'right',
189 'style is clear'
190 );
192 mw.loader.implement(
193 'test.implement.a',
194 function () {
195 assert.equal(
196 $element.css( 'float' ),
197 'right',
198 'style is applied'
199 );
200 },
201 {
202 all: '.mw-test-implement-a { float: right; }'
203 }
204 );
206 return mw.loader.using( 'test.implement.a' );
207 } );
209 QUnit.test( '.implement( styles={ "url": { <media>: [url, ..] } } )', 7, function ( assert ) {
210 var $element1 = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-b1"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
211 $element2 = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-b2"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
212 $element3 = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-b3"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
213 done = assert.async();
215 assert.notEqual(
216 $element1.css( 'text-align' ),
217 'center',
218 'style is clear'
219 );
220 assert.notEqual(
221 $element2.css( 'float' ),
222 'left',
223 'style is clear'
224 );
225 assert.notEqual(
226 $element3.css( 'text-align' ),
227 'right',
228 'style is clear'
229 );
231 mw.loader.implement(
232 'test.implement.b',
233 function () {
234 // Note: done() must only be called when the entire test is
235 // complete. So, make sure that we don't start until *both*
236 // assertStyleAsync calls have completed.
237 var pending = 2;
238 assertStyleAsync( assert, $element2, 'float', 'left', function () {
239 assert.notEqual( $element1.css( 'text-align' ), 'center', 'print style is not applied' );
241 pending--;
242 if ( pending === 0 ) {
243 done();
244 }
245 } );
246 assertStyleAsync( assert, $element3, 'float', 'right', function () {
247 assert.notEqual( $element1.css( 'text-align' ), 'center', 'print style is not applied' );
249 pending--;
250 if ( pending === 0 ) {
251 done();
252 }
253 } );
254 },
255 {
256 url: {
257 print: [ urlStyleTest( '.mw-test-implement-b1', 'text-align', 'center' ) ],
258 screen: [
259 // T42834: Make sure it actually works with more than 1 stylesheet reference
260 urlStyleTest( '.mw-test-implement-b2', 'float', 'left' ),
261 urlStyleTest( '.mw-test-implement-b3', 'float', 'right' )
262 ]
263 }
264 }
265 );
267 mw.loader.load( 'test.implement.b' );
268 } );
270 // Backwards compatibility
271 QUnit.test( '.implement( styles={ <media>: text } ) (back-compat)', 2, function ( assert ) {
272 var $element = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-c"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
274 assert.notEqual(
275 $element.css( 'float' ),
276 'right',
277 'style is clear'
278 );
280 mw.loader.implement(
281 'test.implement.c',
282 function () {
283 assert.equal(
284 $element.css( 'float' ),
285 'right',
286 'style is applied'
287 );
288 },
289 {
290 all: '.mw-test-implement-c { float: right; }'
291 }
292 );
294 return mw.loader.using( 'test.implement.c' );
295 } );
297 // Backwards compatibility
298 QUnit.test( '.implement( styles={ <media>: [url, ..] } ) (back-compat)', 4, function ( assert ) {
299 var $element = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-d"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
300 $element2 = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-d2"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
301 done = assert.async();
303 assert.notEqual(
304 $element.css( 'float' ),
305 'right',
306 'style is clear'
307 );
308 assert.notEqual(
309 $element2.css( 'text-align' ),
310 'center',
311 'style is clear'
312 );
314 mw.loader.implement(
315 'test.implement.d',
316 function () {
317 assertStyleAsync( assert, $element, 'float', 'right', function () {
318 assert.notEqual( $element2.css( 'text-align' ), 'center', 'print style is not applied (T42500)' );
319 done();
320 } );
321 },
322 {
323 all: [ urlStyleTest( '.mw-test-implement-d', 'float', 'right' ) ],
324 print: [ urlStyleTest( '.mw-test-implement-d2', 'text-align', 'center' ) ]
325 }
326 );
328 mw.loader.load( 'test.implement.d' );
329 } );
331 // @import (T33676)
332 QUnit.test( '.implement( styles has @import )', 7, function ( assert ) {
333 var isJsExecuted, $element,
334 done = assert.async();
336 mw.loader.implement(
337 'test.implement.import',
338 function () {
339 assert.strictEqual( isJsExecuted, undefined, 'script not executed multiple times' );
340 isJsExecuted = true;
342 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'test.implement.import' ), 'executing', 'module state during implement() script execution' );
344 $element = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-import">Foo bar</div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
346 assert.equal( mw.msg( 'test-foobar' ), 'Hello Foobar, $1!', 'messages load before script execution' );
348 assertStyleAsync( assert, $element, 'float', 'right', function () {
349 assert.equal( $element.css( 'text-align' ), 'center',
350 'CSS styles after the @import rule are working'
351 );
353 done();
354 } );
355 },
356 {
357 css: [
358 '@import url(\''
359 + urlStyleTest( '.mw-test-implement-import', 'float', 'right' )
360 + '\');\n'
361 + '.mw-test-implement-import { text-align: center; }'
362 ]
363 },
364 {
365 'test-foobar': 'Hello Foobar, $1!'
366 }
367 );
369 mw.loader.using( 'test.implement.import' ).always( function () {
370 assert.strictEqual( isJsExecuted, true, 'script executed' );
371 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'test.implement.import' ), 'ready', 'module state after script execution' );
372 } );
373 } );
375 QUnit.test( '.implement( dependency with styles )', 4, function ( assert ) {
376 var $element = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-e"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
377 $element2 = $( '<div class="mw-test-implement-e2"></div>' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
379 assert.notEqual(
380 $element.css( 'float' ),
381 'right',
382 'style is clear'
383 );
384 assert.notEqual(
385 $element2.css( 'float' ),
386 'left',
387 'style is clear'
388 );
390 mw.loader.register( [
391 [ 'test.implement.e', '0', [ 'test.implement.e2' ] ],
392 [ 'test.implement.e2', '0' ]
393 ] );
395 mw.loader.implement(
396 'test.implement.e',
397 function () {
398 assert.equal(
399 $element.css( 'float' ),
400 'right',
401 'Depending module\'s style is applied'
402 );
403 },
404 {
405 all: '.mw-test-implement-e { float: right; }'
406 }
407 );
409 mw.loader.implement(
410 'test.implement.e2',
411 function () {
412 assert.equal(
413 $element2.css( 'float' ),
414 'left',
415 'Dependency\'s style is applied'
416 );
417 },
418 {
419 all: '.mw-test-implement-e2 { float: left; }'
420 }
421 );
423 return mw.loader.using( 'test.implement.e' );
424 } );
426 QUnit.test( '.implement( only scripts )', 1, function ( assert ) {
427 mw.loader.implement( 'test.onlyscripts', function () {} );
428 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.onlyscripts' ), 'ready' );
429 } );
431 QUnit.test( '.implement( only messages )', 2, function ( assert ) {
432 assert.assertFalse( mw.messages.exists( 'T31107' ), 'Verify that the test message doesn\'t exist yet' );
434 mw.loader.implement( 'test.implement.msgs', [], {}, { T31107: 'loaded' } );
436 return mw.loader.using( 'test.implement.msgs', function () {
437 assert.ok( mw.messages.exists( 'T31107' ), 'T31107: messages-only module should implement ok' );
438 }, function () {
439 assert.ok( false, 'Error callback fired while implementing "test.implement.msgs" module' );
440 } );
441 } );
443 QUnit.test( '.implement( empty )', 1, function ( assert ) {
444 mw.loader.implement( 'test.empty' );
445 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.empty' ), 'ready' );
446 } );
448 QUnit.test( 'Broken indirect dependency', 4, function ( assert ) {
449 // don't emit an error event
450 this.sandbox.stub( mw, 'track' );
452 mw.loader.register( [
453 [ 'test.module1', '0' ],
454 [ 'test.module2', '0', [ 'test.module1' ] ],
455 [ 'test.module3', '0', [ 'test.module2' ] ]
456 ] );
457 mw.loader.implement( 'test.module1', function () {
458 throw new Error( 'expected' );
459 }, {}, {} );
460 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module1' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module1' );
461 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module2' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module2' );
462 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module3' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module3' );
464 assert.strictEqual( mw.track.callCount, 1 );
465 } );
467 QUnit.test( 'Out-of-order implementation', 9, function ( assert ) {
468 mw.loader.register( [
469 [ 'test.module4', '0' ],
470 [ 'test.module5', '0', [ 'test.module4' ] ],
471 [ 'test.module6', '0', [ 'test.module5' ] ]
472 ] );
473 mw.loader.implement( 'test.module4', function () {} );
474 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module4' ), 'ready', 'Expected "ready" state for test.module4' );
475 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module5' ), 'registered', 'Expected "registered" state for test.module5' );
476 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module6' ), 'registered', 'Expected "registered" state for test.module6' );
477 mw.loader.implement( 'test.module6', function () {} );
478 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module4' ), 'ready', 'Expected "ready" state for test.module4' );
479 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module5' ), 'registered', 'Expected "registered" state for test.module5' );
480 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module6' ), 'loaded', 'Expected "loaded" state for test.module6' );
481 mw.loader.implement( 'test.module5', function () {} );
482 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module4' ), 'ready', 'Expected "ready" state for test.module4' );
483 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module5' ), 'ready', 'Expected "ready" state for test.module5' );
484 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module6' ), 'ready', 'Expected "ready" state for test.module6' );
485 } );
487 QUnit.test( 'Missing dependency', 13, function ( assert ) {
488 mw.loader.register( [
489 [ 'test.module7', '0' ],
490 [ 'test.module8', '0', [ 'test.module7' ] ],
491 [ 'test.module9', '0', [ 'test.module8' ] ]
492 ] );
493 mw.loader.implement( 'test.module8', function () {} );
494 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module7' ), 'registered', 'Expected "registered" state for test.module7' );
495 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module8' ), 'loaded', 'Expected "loaded" state for test.module8' );
496 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module9' ), 'registered', 'Expected "registered" state for test.module9' );
497 mw.loader.state( 'test.module7', 'missing' );
498 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module7' ), 'missing', 'Expected "missing" state for test.module7' );
499 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module8' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module8' );
500 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module9' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module9' );
501 mw.loader.implement( 'test.module9', function () {} );
502 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module7' ), 'missing', 'Expected "missing" state for test.module7' );
503 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module8' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module8' );
504 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.module9' ), 'error', 'Expected "error" state for test.module9' );
505 mw.loader.using(
506 [ 'test.module7' ],
507 function () {
508 assert.ok( false, 'Success fired despite missing dependency' );
509 assert.ok( true, 'QUnit expected() count dummy' );
510 },
511 function ( e, dependencies ) {
512 assert.strictEqual( $.isArray( dependencies ), true, 'Expected array of dependencies' );
513 assert.deepEqual( dependencies, [ 'test.module7' ], 'Error callback called with module test.module7' );
514 }
515 );
516 mw.loader.using(
517 [ 'test.module9' ],
518 function () {
519 assert.ok( false, 'Success fired despite missing dependency' );
520 assert.ok( true, 'QUnit expected() count dummy' );
521 },
522 function ( e, dependencies ) {
523 assert.strictEqual( $.isArray( dependencies ), true, 'Expected array of dependencies' );
524 dependencies.sort();
525 assert.deepEqual(
526 dependencies,
527 [ 'test.module7', 'test.module8', 'test.module9' ],
528 'Error callback called with all three modules as dependencies'
529 );
530 }
531 );
532 } );
534 QUnit.test( 'Dependency handling', 5, function ( assert ) {
535 var done = assert.async();
536 mw.loader.register( [
537 // [module, version, dependencies, group, source]
538 [ 'testMissing', '1', [], null, 'testloader' ],
539 [ 'testUsesMissing', '1', [ 'testMissing' ], null, 'testloader' ],
540 [ 'testUsesNestedMissing', '1', [ 'testUsesMissing' ], null, 'testloader' ]
541 ] );
543 function verifyModuleStates() {
544 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'testMissing' ), 'missing', 'Module not known to server must have state "missing"' );
545 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'testUsesMissing' ), 'error', 'Module with missing dependency must have state "error"' );
546 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'testUsesNestedMissing' ), 'error', 'Module with indirect missing dependency must have state "error"' );
547 }
549 mw.loader.using( [ 'testUsesNestedMissing' ],
550 function () {
551 assert.ok( false, 'Error handler should be invoked.' );
552 assert.ok( true ); // Dummy to reach QUnit expect()
554 verifyModuleStates();
556 done();
557 },
558 function ( e, badmodules ) {
559 assert.ok( true, 'Error handler should be invoked.' );
560 // As soon as server spits out state('testMissing', 'missing');
561 // it will bubble up and trigger the error callback.
562 // Therefor the badmodules array is not testUsesMissing or testUsesNestedMissing.
563 assert.deepEqual( badmodules, [ 'testMissing' ], 'Bad modules as expected.' );
565 verifyModuleStates();
567 done();
568 }
569 );
570 } );
572 QUnit.test( 'Skip-function handling', 5, function ( assert ) {
573 mw.loader.register( [
574 // [module, version, dependencies, group, source, skip]
575 [ 'testSkipped', '1', [], null, 'testloader', 'return true;' ],
576 [ 'testNotSkipped', '1', [], null, 'testloader', 'return false;' ],
577 [ 'testUsesSkippable', '1', [ 'testSkipped', 'testNotSkipped' ], null, 'testloader' ]
578 ] );
580 function verifyModuleStates() {
581 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'testSkipped' ), 'ready', 'Module is ready when skipped' );
582 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'testNotSkipped' ), 'ready', 'Module is ready when not skipped but loaded' );
583 assert.equal( mw.loader.getState( 'testUsesSkippable' ), 'ready', 'Module is ready when skippable dependencies are ready' );
584 }
586 return mw.loader.using( [ 'testUsesSkippable' ],
587 function () {
588 assert.ok( true, 'Success handler should be invoked.' );
589 assert.ok( true ); // Dummy to match error handler and reach QUnit expect()
591 verifyModuleStates();
592 },
593 function ( e, badmodules ) {
594 assert.ok( false, 'Error handler should not be invoked.' );
595 assert.deepEqual( badmodules, [], 'Bad modules as expected.' );
597 verifyModuleStates();
598 }
599 );
600 } );
602 QUnit.asyncTest( '.load( "//protocol-relative" ) - T32825', 2, function ( assert ) {
603 // This bug was actually already fixed in 1.18 and later when discovered in 1.17.
604 // Test is for regressions!
606 // Forge a URL to the test callback script
607 var target = QUnit.fixurl(
608 mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/tests/qunit/data/qunitOkCall.js'
609 );
611 // Confirm that mw.loader.load() works with protocol-relative URLs
612 target = target.replace( /https?:/, '' );
614 assert.equal( target.slice( 0, 2 ), '//',
615 'URL must be relative to test relative URLs!'
616 );
618 // Async!
619 // The target calls QUnit.start
620 mw.loader.load( target );
621 } );
623 QUnit.asyncTest( '.load( "/absolute-path" )', 2, function ( assert ) {
624 // Forge a URL to the test callback script
625 var target = QUnit.fixurl(
626 mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/tests/qunit/data/qunitOkCall.js'
627 );
629 // Confirm that mw.loader.load() works with absolute-paths (relative to current hostname)
630 assert.equal( target.slice( 0, 1 ), '/', 'URL is relative to document root' );
632 // Async!
633 // The target calls QUnit.start
634 mw.loader.load( target );
635 } );
637 QUnit.test( 'Empty string module name - T28804', function ( assert ) {
638 var done = false;
640 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( '' ), null, 'State (unregistered)' );
642 mw.loader.register( '', 'v1' );
643 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( '' ), 'registered', 'State (registered)' );
644 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getVersion( '' ), 'v1', 'Version' );
646 mw.loader.implement( '', function () {
647 done = true;
648 } );
650 return mw.loader.using( '', function () {
651 assert.strictEqual( done, true, 'script ran' );
652 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( '' ), 'ready', 'State (ready)' );
653 } );
654 } );
656 QUnit.test( 'Executing race - T112232', 2, function ( assert ) {
657 var done = false;
659 // The red herring schedules its CSS buffer first. In T112232, a bug in the
660 // state machine would cause the job for testRaceLoadMe to run with an earlier job.
661 mw.loader.implement(
662 'testRaceRedHerring',
663 function () {},
664 { css: [ '.mw-testRaceRedHerring {}' ] }
665 );
666 mw.loader.implement(
667 'testRaceLoadMe',
668 function () {
669 done = true;
670 },
671 { css: [ '.mw-testRaceLoadMe { float: left; }' ] }
672 );
674 mw.loader.load( [ 'testRaceRedHerring', 'testRaceLoadMe' ] );
675 return mw.loader.using( 'testRaceLoadMe', function () {
676 assert.strictEqual( done, true, 'script ran' );
677 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'testRaceLoadMe' ), 'ready', 'state' );
678 } );
679 } );
681 QUnit.test( 'Stale response caching - T117587', function ( assert ) {
682 var count = 0;
683 mw.loader.store.enabled = true;
684 mw.loader.register( 'test.stale', 'v2' );
685 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.store.get( 'test.stale' ), false, 'Not in store' );
687 mw.loader.implement( 'test.stale@v1', function () {
688 count++;
689 } );
691 return mw.loader.using( 'test.stale' )
692 .then( function () {
693 assert.strictEqual( count, 1 );
694 // After implementing, registry contains version as implemented by the response.
695 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getVersion( 'test.stale' ), 'v1', 'Override version' );
696 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.stale' ), 'ready' );
697 assert.ok( mw.loader.store.get( 'test.stale' ), 'In store' );
698 } )
699 .then( function () {
700 // Reset run time, but keep mw.loader.store
701 mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'test.stale' ].script = undefined;
702 mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'test.stale' ].state = 'registered';
703 mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'test.stale' ].version = 'v2';
705 // Module was stored correctly as v1
706 // On future navigations, it will be ignored until evicted
707 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.store.get( 'test.stale' ), false, 'Not in store' );
708 } );
709 } );
711 QUnit.test( 'Stale response caching - backcompat', function ( assert ) {
712 var count = 0;
713 mw.loader.store.enabled = true;
714 mw.loader.register( 'test.stalebc', 'v2' );
715 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.store.get( 'test.stalebc' ), false, 'Not in store' );
717 mw.loader.implement( 'test.stalebc', function () {
718 count++;
719 } );
721 return mw.loader.using( 'test.stalebc' )
722 .then( function () {
723 assert.strictEqual( count, 1 );
724 assert.strictEqual( mw.loader.getState( 'test.stalebc' ), 'ready' );
725 assert.ok( mw.loader.store.get( 'test.stalebc' ), 'In store' );
726 } )
727 .then( function () {
728 // Reset run time, but keep mw.loader.store
729 mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'test.stalebc' ].script = undefined;
730 mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'test.stalebc' ].state = 'registered';
731 mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'test.stalebc' ].version = 'v2';
733 // Legacy behaviour is storing under the expected version,
734 // which woudl lead to whitewashing and stale values (T117587).
735 assert.ok( mw.loader.store.get( 'test.stalebc' ), 'In store' );
736 } );
737 } );
739 QUnit.test( 'require()', 6, function ( assert ) {
740 mw.loader.register( [
741 [ 'test.require1', '0' ],
742 [ 'test.require2', '0' ],
743 [ 'test.require3', '0' ],
744 [ 'test.require4', '0', [ 'test.require3' ] ]
745 ] );
746 mw.loader.implement( 'test.require1', function () {} );
747 mw.loader.implement( 'test.require2', function ( $, jQuery, require, module ) {
748 module.exports = 1;
749 } );
750 mw.loader.implement( 'test.require3', function ( $, jQuery, require, module ) {
751 module.exports = function () {
752 return 'hello world';
753 };
754 } );
755 mw.loader.implement( 'test.require4', function ( $, jQuery, require, module ) {
756 var other = require( 'test.require3' );
757 module.exports = {
758 pizza: function () {
759 return other();
760 }
761 };
762 } );
763 return mw.loader.using( [ 'test.require1', 'test.require2', 'test.require3', 'test.require4' ] )
764 .then( function ( require ) {
765 var module1, module2, module3, module4;
767 module1 = require( 'test.require1' );
768 module2 = require( 'test.require2' );
769 module3 = require( 'test.require3' );
770 module4 = require( 'test.require4' );
772 assert.strictEqual( typeof module1, 'object', 'export of module with no export' );
773 assert.strictEqual( module2, 1, 'export a number' );
774 assert.strictEqual( module3(), 'hello world', 'export a function' );
775 assert.strictEqual( typeof module4.pizza, 'function', 'export an object' );
776 assert.strictEqual( module4.pizza(), 'hello world', 'module can require other modules' );
778 assert.throws( function () {
779 require( '_badmodule' );
780 }, /is not loaded/, 'Requesting non-existent modules throws error.' );
781 } );
782 } );
784 QUnit.test( 'require() in debug mode', function ( assert ) {
785 var path = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' );
786 mw.loader.register( [
787 [ 'test.require.define', '0' ],
788 [ 'test.require.callback', '0', [ 'test.require.define' ] ]
789 ] );
790 mw.loader.implement( 'test.require.callback', [ QUnit.fixurl( path + '/tests/qunit/data/requireCallMwLoaderTestCallback.js' ) ] );
791 mw.loader.implement( 'test.require.define', [ QUnit.fixurl( path + '/tests/qunit/data/defineCallMwLoaderTestCallback.js' ) ] );
793 return mw.loader.using( 'test.require.callback' ).then( function ( require ) {
794 var cb = require( 'test.require.callback' );
795 assert.strictEqual( cb.immediate, 'Defined.', 'module.exports and require work in debug mode' );
796 // Must use try-catch because cb.later() will throw if require is undefined,
797 // which doesn't work well inside Deferred.then() when using jQuery 1.x with QUnit
798 try {
799 assert.strictEqual( cb.later(), 'Defined.', 'require works asynchrously in debug mode' );
800 } catch ( e ) {
801 assert.equal( null, String( e ), 'require works asynchrously in debug mode' );
802 }
803 }, function () {
804 assert.ok( false, 'Error callback fired while loader.using "test.require.callback" module' );
805 } );
806 } );
808 }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );