Improve the grammar of tooltip-search-go
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / tests / phpunit / includes / OutputPageTest.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 *
5 * @author Matthew Flaschen
6 *
7 * @group Output
8 *
9 * @todo factor tests in this class into providers and test methods
10 *
11 */
12 class OutputPageTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
13 const SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY = 'screen and (min-width: 982px)';
14 const SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY = 'only screen and (min-width: 982px)';
16 /**
17 * Tests a particular case of transformCssMedia, using the given input, globals,
18 * expected return, and message
19 *
20 * Asserts that $expectedReturn is returned.
21 *
22 * options['printableQuery'] - value of query string for printable, or omitted for none
23 * options['handheldQuery'] - value of query string for handheld, or omitted for none
24 * options['media'] - passed into the method under the same name
25 * options['expectedReturn'] - expected return value
26 * options['message'] - PHPUnit message for assertion
27 *
28 * @param array $args Key-value array of arguments as shown above
29 */
30 protected function assertTransformCssMediaCase( $args ) {
31 $queryData = array();
32 if ( isset( $args['printableQuery'] ) ) {
33 $queryData['printable'] = $args['printableQuery'];
34 }
36 if ( isset( $args['handheldQuery'] ) ) {
37 $queryData['handheld'] = $args['handheldQuery'];
38 }
40 $fauxRequest = new FauxRequest( $queryData, false );
41 $this->setMwGlobals( array(
42 'wgRequest' => $fauxRequest,
43 ) );
45 $actualReturn = OutputPage::transformCssMedia( $args['media'] );
46 $this->assertSame( $args['expectedReturn'], $actualReturn, $args['message'] );
47 }
49 /**
50 * Tests print requests
51 * @covers OutputPage::transformCssMedia
52 */
53 public function testPrintRequests() {
54 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
55 'printableQuery' => '1',
56 'media' => 'screen',
57 'expectedReturn' => null,
58 'message' => 'On printable request, screen returns null'
59 ) );
61 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
62 'printableQuery' => '1',
63 'media' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY,
64 'expectedReturn' => null,
65 'message' => 'On printable request, screen media query returns null'
66 ) );
68 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
69 'printableQuery' => '1',
70 'media' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY,
71 'expectedReturn' => null,
72 'message' => 'On printable request, screen media query with only returns null'
73 ) );
75 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
76 'printableQuery' => '1',
77 'media' => 'print',
78 'expectedReturn' => '',
79 'message' => 'On printable request, media print returns empty string'
80 ) );
81 }
83 /**
84 * Tests screen requests, without either query parameter set
85 * @covers OutputPage::transformCssMedia
86 */
87 public function testScreenRequests() {
88 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
89 'media' => 'screen',
90 'expectedReturn' => 'screen',
91 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media type is preserved'
92 ) );
94 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
95 'media' => 'handheld',
96 'expectedReturn' => 'handheld',
97 'message' => 'On screen request, handheld media type is preserved'
98 ) );
100 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
101 'media' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY,
102 'expectedReturn' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY,
103 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media query is preserved.'
104 ) );
106 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
107 'media' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY,
108 'expectedReturn' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY,
109 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media query with only is preserved.'
110 ) );
112 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
113 'media' => 'print',
114 'expectedReturn' => 'print',
115 'message' => 'On screen request, print media type is preserved'
116 ) );
117 }
119 /**
120 * Tests handheld behavior
121 * @covers OutputPage::transformCssMedia
122 */
123 public function testHandheld() {
124 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
125 'handheldQuery' => '1',
126 'media' => 'handheld',
127 'expectedReturn' => '',
128 'message' => 'On request with handheld querystring and media is handheld, returns empty string'
129 ) );
131 $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array(
132 'handheldQuery' => '1',
133 'media' => 'screen',
134 'expectedReturn' => null,
135 'message' => 'On request with handheld querystring and media is screen, returns null'
136 ) );
137 }
139 public static function provideMakeResourceLoaderLink() {
140 return array(
141 // Load module script only
142 array(
143 array( '', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS ),
144 "<script>var RLQ = RLQ || []; RLQ.push( function () {\n"
145 . 'document.write("\u003Cscript src=\"'
146 . 'debug=false\u0026amp;lang=en\u0026amp;\u0026amp;only'
147 . '=scripts\u0026amp;skin=fallback\u0026amp;*\"\u003E\u003C/script\u003E");'
148 . "\n} );</script>"
149 ),
150 array(
151 // Don't condition wrap raw modules (like the startup module)
152 array( 'test.raw', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS ),
153 '<script src=";lang=en&amp;modules=test.raw&amp;only=scripts&amp;skin=fallback&amp;*"></script>'
154 ),
155 // Load module styles only
156 // This also tests the order the modules are put into the url
157 array(
158 array( array( 'test.baz', '', '' ), ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES ),
160 '<link rel=stylesheet href=";lang=en&amp;;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback&amp;*">'
161 ),
162 // Load private module (only=scripts)
163 array(
164 array( 'test.quux', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS ),
165 "<script>var RLQ = RLQ || []; RLQ.push( function () {\n"
166 . "mw.test.baz({token:123});mw.loader.state({\"test.quux\":\"ready\"});\n"
167 . "\n} );</script>"
168 ),
169 // Load private module (combined)
170 array(
171 array( 'test.quux', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED ),
172 "<script>var RLQ = RLQ || []; RLQ.push( function () {\n"
173 . "mw.loader.implement(\"test.quux\",function($,jQuery){"
174 . "mw.test.baz({token:123});},{\"css\":[\".mw-icon{transition:none}\\n"
175 . "\"]});\n\n} );</script>"
176 ),
177 // Load module script with ESI
178 array(
179 array( '', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS, true ),
180 '<script><esi:include src=";lang=en&amp;;only=scripts&amp;skin=fallback&amp;*" /></script>'
181 ),
182 // Load module styles with ESI
183 array(
184 array( '', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES, true ),
185 '<style><esi:include src=";lang=en&amp;;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback&amp;*" /></style>',
186 ),
187 // Load no modules
188 array(
189 array( array(), ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED ),
190 '',
191 ),
192 // noscript group
193 array(
194 array( 'test.noscript', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES ),
195 '<noscript><link rel=stylesheet href=";lang=en&amp;modules=test.noscript&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback&amp;*"></noscript>'
196 ),
197 // Load two modules in separate groups
198 array(
199 array( array( '', '' ), ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED ),
200 "<script>var RLQ = RLQ || []; RLQ.push( function () {\n"
201 . 'document.write("\u003Cscript src=\"\u0026amp;lang=en\u0026amp;\u0026amp;skin=fallback\u0026amp;*\"\u003E\u003C/script\u003E");'
202 . "\n} );</script>\n"
203 . "<script>var RLQ = RLQ || []; RLQ.push( function () {\n"
204 . 'document.write("\u003Cscript src=\"\u0026amp;lang=en\u0026amp;\u0026amp;skin=fallback\u0026amp;*\"\u003E\u003C/script\u003E");'
205 . "\n} );</script>"
206 ),
207 );
208 }
210 /**
211 * @dataProvider provideMakeResourceLoaderLink
212 * @covers OutputPage::makeResourceLoaderLink
213 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeLoaderImplementScript
214 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse
215 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript
216 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeLoaderStateScript
217 * @covers ResourceLoader::createLoaderURL
218 */
219 public function testMakeResourceLoaderLink( $args, $expectedHtml ) {
220 $this->setMwGlobals( array(
221 'wgResourceLoaderDebug' => false,
222 'wgResourceLoaderUseESI' => true,
223 'wgLoadScript' => '',
224 // Affects whether CDATA is inserted
225 'wgWellFormedXml' => false,
226 ) );
227 $class = new ReflectionClass( 'OutputPage' );
228 $method = $class->getMethod( 'makeResourceLoaderLink' );
229 $method->setAccessible( true );
230 $ctx = new RequestContext();
231 $ctx->setSkin( SkinFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeSkin( 'fallback' ) );
232 $ctx->setLanguage( 'en' );
233 $out = new OutputPage( $ctx );
234 $rl = $out->getResourceLoader();
235 $rl->setMessageBlobStore( new NullMessageBlobStore() );
236 $rl->register( array(
237 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
238 'script' => ' { a: true } );',
239 'styles' => '.mw-test-foo { content: "style"; }',
240 ) ),
241 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
242 'script' => ' { a: true } );',
243 'styles' => '.mw-test-bar { content: "style"; }',
244 ) ),
245 'test.baz' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
246 'script' => 'mw.test.baz( { a: true } );',
247 'styles' => '.mw-test-baz { content: "style"; }',
248 ) ),
249 'test.quux' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
250 'script' => 'mw.test.baz( { token: 123 } );',
251 'styles' => '/* pref-animate=off */ .mw-icon { transition: none; }',
252 'group' => 'private',
253 ) ),
254 'test.raw' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
255 'script' => 'mw.test.baz( { token: 123 } );',
256 'isRaw' => true,
257 ) ),
258 'test.noscript' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
259 'styles' => '.mw-test-noscript { content: "style"; }',
260 'group' => 'noscript',
261 ) ),
262 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
263 'styles' => '.mw-group-bar { content: "style"; }',
264 'group' => 'bar',
265 ) ),
266 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( array(
267 'styles' => '.mw-group-foo { content: "style"; }',
268 'group' => 'foo',
269 ) ),
270 ) );
271 $links = $method->invokeArgs( $out, $args );
272 // Strip comments to avoid variation due to wgDBname in WikiID and cache key
273 $actualHtml = preg_replace( '#/\*[^*]+\*/#', '', implode( "\n", $links['html'] ) );
274 $this->assertEquals( $expectedHtml, $actualHtml );
275 }
276 }
278 /**
279 * MessageBlobStore that doesn't do anything
280 */
281 class NullMessageBlobStore extends MessageBlobStore {
282 public function get( ResourceLoader $resourceLoader, $modules, $lang ) {
283 return array();
284 }
286 public function insertMessageBlob( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $module, $lang ) {
287 return false;
288 }
290 public function updateModule( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $module, $lang ) {
291 return;
292 }
294 public function updateMessage( $key ) {
295 }
296 public function clear() {
297 }
298 }