Merge "Use local context instead of hidden dependencies on global variables."
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / resources / mediawiki / mediawiki.Uri.js
1 /**
2 * Library for simple URI parsing and manipulation. Requires jQuery.
3 *
4 * Do not expect full RFC 3986 compliance. Intended to be minimal, but featureful.
5 * The use cases we have in mind are constructing 'next page' or 'previous page' URLs,
6 * detecting whether we need to use cross-domain proxies for an API, constructing
7 * simple URL-based API calls, etc.
8 *
9 * Intended to compress very well if you use a JS-parsing minifier.
10 *
11 * Dependencies: mw, jQuery
12 *
13 * Example:
14 *
15 * var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
16 *
17 * if ( == '' ) {
18 * = '';
19 * uri.extend( { bar: 1 } );
20 *
21 * $( 'a#id1' ).attr( 'href', uri );
22 * // anchor with id 'id1' now links to
23 *
24 * $( 'a#id2' ).attr( 'href', uri.clone().extend( { bar: 3, pif: 'paf' } ) );
25 * // anchor with id 'id2' now links to
26 * }
27 *
28 * Parsing here is regex based, so may not work on all URIs, but is good enough for most.
29 *
30 * Given a URI like
31 * '':
32 * The returned object will have the following properties:
33 *
34 * protocol 'http'
35 * user 'usr'
36 * password 'pwd'
37 * host ''
38 * port '81'
39 * path '/dir/dir.2/index.htm'
40 * query {
41 * q1: 0,
42 * test1: null,
43 * test2: '',
44 * test3: 'value (escaped)'
45 * r: [1, 2]
46 * }
47 * fragment 'top'
48 *
49 * n.b. 'password' is not technically allowed for HTTP URIs, but it is possible with other
50 * sorts of URIs.
51 * You can modify the properties directly. Then use the toString() method to extract the
52 * full URI string again.
53 *
54 * Parsing based on parseUri 1.2.2 (c) Steven Levithan <> MIT License
55 *
56 *
57 */
59 ( function ( mw, $ ) {
61 /**
62 * Function that's useful when constructing the URI string -- we frequently encounter the pattern of
63 * having to add something to the URI as we go, but only if it's present, and to include a character before or after if so.
64 * @param {String} to prepend, if value not empty
65 * @param {String} value to include, if not empty
66 * @param {String} to append, if value not empty
67 * @param {Boolean} raw -- if true, do not URI encode
68 * @return {String}
69 */
70 function cat( pre, val, post, raw ) {
71 if ( val === undefined || val === null || val === '' ) {
72 return '';
73 }
74 return pre + ( raw ? val : mw.Uri.encode( val ) ) + post;
75 }
77 // Regular expressions to parse many common URIs.
78 var parser = {
79 strict: /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)?((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*[^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/,
80 loose: /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?((?:\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?[^?#\/]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/
81 },
83 // The order here matches the order of captured matches in the above parser regexes.
84 properties = [
85 'protocol', // http
86 'user', // usr
87 'password', // pwd
88 'host', //
89 'port', // 81
90 'path', // /dir/dir.2/index.htm
91 'query', // q1=0&&test1&test2=value (will become { q1: '0', test1: '', test2: 'value' } )
92 'fragment' // top
93 ];
96 /**
97 * We use a factory to inject a document location, for relative URLs, including protocol-relative URLs.
98 * so the library is still testable & purely functional.
99 */
100 mw.UriRelative = function ( documentLocation ) {
101 var defaultUri;
103 /**
104 * Constructs URI object. Throws error if arguments are illegal/impossible, or otherwise don't parse.
105 * @constructor
106 * @param {Object|String} URI string, or an Object with appropriate properties (especially another URI object to clone).
107 * Object must have non-blank 'protocol', 'host', and 'path' properties.
108 * @param {Object|Boolean} Object with options, or (backwards compatibility) a boolean for strictMode
109 * - strictMode {Boolean} Trigger strict mode parsing of the url. Default: false
110 * - overrideKeys {Boolean} Wether to let duplicate query parameters override eachother (true) or automagically
111 * convert to an array (false, default).
112 */
113 function Uri( uri, options ) {
114 options = typeof options === 'object' ? options : { strictMode: !!options };
115 options = $.extend( {
116 strictMode: false,
117 overrideKeys: false
118 }, options );
120 if ( uri !== undefined && uri !== null || uri !== '' ) {
121 if ( typeof uri === 'string' ) {
122 this.parse( uri, options );
123 } else if ( typeof uri === 'object' ) {
124 var uriObj = this;
125 $.each( properties, function ( i, property ) {
126 uriObj[property] = uri[property];
127 } );
128 if ( this.query === undefined ) {
129 this.query = {};
130 }
131 }
132 }
134 // protocol-relative URLs
135 if ( !this.protocol ) {
136 this.protocol = defaultUri.protocol;
137 }
138 // No host given:
139 if ( ! ) {
140 =;
141 // port ?
142 if ( !this.port ) {
143 this.port = defaultUri.port;
144 }
145 }
146 if ( this.path && this.path.charAt( 0 ) !== '/' ) {
147 // A real relative URL, relative to defaultUri.path. We can't really handle that since we cannot
148 // figure out whether the last path compoennt of defaultUri.path is a directory or a file.
149 throw new Error( 'Bad constructor arguments' );
150 }
151 if ( !( this.protocol && && this.path ) ) {
152 throw new Error( 'Bad constructor arguments' );
153 }
154 }
156 /**
157 * Standard encodeURIComponent, with extra stuff to make all browsers work similarly and more compliant with RFC 3986
158 * Similar to rawurlencode from PHP and our JS library mw.util.rawurlencode, but we also replace space with a +
159 * @param {String} string
160 * @return {String} encoded for URI
161 */
162 Uri.encode = function ( s ) {
163 return encodeURIComponent( s )
164 .replace( /!/g, '%21').replace( /'/g, '%27').replace( /\(/g, '%28')
165 .replace( /\)/g, '%29').replace( /\*/g, '%2A')
166 .replace( /%20/g, '+' );
167 };
169 /**
170 * Standard decodeURIComponent, with '+' to space
171 * @param {String} string encoded for URI
172 * @return {String} decoded string
173 */
174 Uri.decode = function ( s ) {
175 return decodeURIComponent( s.replace( /\+/g, '%20' ) );
176 };
178 Uri.prototype = {
180 /**
181 * Parse a string and set our properties accordingly.
182 * @param {String} URI
183 * @param {Object} options
184 * @return {Boolean} success
185 */
186 parse: function ( str, options ) {
187 var q,
188 uri = this,
189 matches = parser[ options.strictMode ? 'strict' : 'loose' ].exec( str );
190 $.each( properties, function ( i, property ) {
191 uri[ property ] = matches[ i+1 ];
192 } );
194 // uri.query starts out as the query string; we will parse it into key-val pairs then make
195 // that object the "query" property.
196 // we overwrite query in uri way to make cloning easier, it can use the same list of properties.
197 q = {};
198 // using replace to iterate over a string
199 if ( uri.query ) {
200 uri.query.replace( /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)(?:(=)([^&]*))?/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) {
201 var k, v;
202 if ( $1 ) {
203 k = Uri.decode( $1 );
204 v = ( $2 === '' || $2 === undefined ) ? null : Uri.decode( $3 );
206 // If overrideKeys, always (re)set top level value.
207 // If not overrideKeys but this key wasn't set before, then we set it as well.
208 if ( options.overrideKeys || q[ k ] === undefined ) {
209 q[ k ] = v;
211 // Use arrays if overrideKeys is false and key was already seen before
212 } else {
213 // Once before, still a string, turn into an array
214 if ( typeof q[ k ] === 'string' ) {
215 q[ k ] = [ q[ k ] ];
216 }
217 // Add to the array
218 if ( $.isArray( q[ k ] ) ) {
219 q[ k ].push( v );
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 } );
224 }
225 this.query = q;
226 },
228 /**
229 * Returns user and password portion of a URI.
230 * @return {String}
231 */
232 getUserInfo: function () {
233 return cat( '', this.user, cat( ':', this.password, '' ) );
234 },
236 /**
237 * Gets host and port portion of a URI.
238 * @return {String}
239 */
240 getHostPort: function () {
241 return + cat( ':', this.port, '' );
242 },
244 /**
245 * Returns the userInfo and host and port portion of the URI.
246 * In most real-world URLs, this is simply the hostname, but it is more general.
247 * @return {String}
248 */
249 getAuthority: function () {
250 return cat( '', this.getUserInfo(), '@' ) + this.getHostPort();
251 },
253 /**
254 * Returns the query arguments of the URL, encoded into a string
255 * Does not preserve the order of arguments passed into the URI. Does handle escaping.
256 * @return {String}
257 */
258 getQueryString: function () {
259 var args = [];
260 $.each( this.query, function ( key, val ) {
261 var k = Uri.encode( key ),
262 vals = val === null ? [ null ] : $.makeArray( val );
263 $.each( vals, function ( i, v ) {
264 args.push( k + ( v === null ? '' : '=' + Uri.encode( v ) ) );
265 } );
266 } );
267 return args.join( '&' );
268 },
270 /**
271 * Returns everything after the authority section of the URI
272 * @return {String}
273 */
274 getRelativePath: function () {
275 return this.path + cat( '?', this.getQueryString(), '', true ) + cat( '#', this.fragment, '' );
276 },
278 /**
279 * Gets the entire URI string. May not be precisely the same as input due to order of query arguments.
280 * @return {String} the URI string
281 */
282 toString: function () {
283 return this.protocol + '://' + this.getAuthority() + this.getRelativePath();
284 },
286 /**
287 * Clone this URI
288 * @return {Object} new URI object with same properties
289 */
290 clone: function () {
291 return new Uri( this );
292 },
294 /**
295 * Extend the query -- supply query parameters to override or add to ours
296 * @param {Object} query parameters in key-val form to override or add
297 * @return {Object} this URI object
298 */
299 extend: function ( parameters ) {
300 $.extend( this.query, parameters );
301 return this;
302 }
303 };
305 defaultUri = new Uri( documentLocation );
307 return Uri;
308 };
310 // if we are running in a browser, inject the current document location, for relative URLs
311 if ( document && document.location && document.location.href ) {
312 mw.Uri = mw.UriRelative( document.location.href );
313 }
315 }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );