[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / maintenance / resources / foreign-resources.yaml
1 ### Format of this file
2 #
3 # The top-level keys are directory names (under resources/lib/).
4 # They should match module names (as registered in Resources.php), but there are exceptions.
5 # Each top-level key holds a resource descriptor that must have one of
6 # the following `type` values:
7 #
8 # - `tar`: For tarball archive (may be gzip-compressed).
9 # - `file: For a plain file.
10 # - `multi-file`: For multiple plain files.
11 #
12 ### Type tar
13 #
14 # The `src` and `integrity` keys are required.
15 #
16 # * `src`: Full URL to the remote resource.
17 # * `integrity`: Cryptographic hash (integrity metadata format per <https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/>).
18 # * `dest`: An object mapping paths to files or directory from the remote resource to a destination
19 # in the module directory. The value of key in dest may be omitted, which will extract the key
20 # directly to the module directory.
21 #
22 ### Type file
23 #
24 # The `src` and `integrity` keys are required.
25 #
26 # * `src`: Full URL to the remote resource.
27 # * `integrity`: Cryptographic hash (integrity metadata format per <https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/>).
28 # * `dest`: The name of the file in the module directory. Default: Basename of URL.
29 #
30 ### Type multi-file
31 #
32 # The `files` key is required.
33 #
34 # * `files`: An object mapping destination paths to an object containing `src` and `integrity`
35 # keys.
37 CLDRPluralRuleParser:
38 type: file
39 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/santhoshtr/CLDRPluralRuleParser/v1.1.3/src/CLDRPluralRuleParser.js
40 integrity: sha384-Y0qxTEDVQgh+N5In+vLbZLL2H7PEROnicj8vxof0mxR8kXcGysGE6OcF+cS+Ao0u
42 easy-deflate:
43 type: multi-file
44 files:
45 deflate.js:
46 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/deflate.js
47 integrity: sha384-sHnZLDSWMUhA2w9ygkzCK8YFvoh/fQKY6lXMbvmrYzjuNURiLB0DZFCDNMpGyZ77
48 easydeflate.js:
49 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/easydeflate.js
50 integrity: sha384-EwPfP2RMkDPa1HkzQsXgzTsy1KEjcIzQPA1HDS/JPHjvEMvVUsCxWwm1oXql/jk2
51 inflate.js:
52 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/inflate.js
53 integrity: sha384-hMg44Hw424mUYvmzKl0JT4J8UU/1YYhTiGRtR0YX/MXNLK9qWTK0d62FBCDGxmxw
54 README.md:
55 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/README.md
56 integrity: sha384-6kwcfCLivvqXBZy2ATyya+mTVWLk3eaQyBdC6tbpBtkygnBrM2SNkq3jz/l7IkvP
58 html5shiv:
59 type: file
60 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aFarkas/html5shiv/3.7.3/src/html5shiv.js
61 integrity: sha384-RPXhaTf22QktT8KTwZ6bUz/C+7CnccaIw5W/y/t0FW5WSDGj3wc3YtRIJC0w47in
63 jquery:
64 type: file
65 src: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js
66 # Integrity from link modals https://code.jquery.com/jquery/
67 integrity: sha256-2Kok7MbOyxpgUVvAk/HJ2jigOSYS2auK4Pfzbm7uH60=
68 dest: jquery.js
70 mustache:
71 type: multi-file
72 files:
73 mustache.js:
74 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janl/mustache.js/v1.0.0/mustache.js
75 integrity: sha384-k2UYqmzoiq/qgIzZvcYBxbXQW4YdPAsXDOTkHTGb9TCZ9sjCkyT4TlaUN0wQRkql
77 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janl/mustache.js/v1.0.0/LICENSE
78 integrity: sha384-MYVwXwula9+YkyXexOJVZ0v0DaVvG22uX57mNq5Di+7u8OH9EG9q3yuXkp1Iehiq
80 oojs:
81 type: tar
82 src: https://registry.npmjs.org/oojs/-/oojs-2.2.2.tgz
83 integrity: sha256-ebgQW2EGrSkBCnDJBGqDpsBDjA3PMN/M8U5DyLHt9mw=
84 dest:
85 package/dist/oojs.jquery.js:
86 package/AUTHORS.txt:
87 package/LICENSE-MIT:
88 package/README.md:
90 ooui:
91 type: tar
92 src: https://registry.npmjs.org/oojs-ui/-/oojs-ui-0.28.2.tgz
93 integrity: sha384-wZSNhrZFu8mDYVRIBTObP1X+o1WuFgmxeaCHnRJ2O8MP+FizOomibPHJSNOPwrjv
94 dest:
95 # Main stuff
96 package/dist/oojs-ui-core.js{,.map.json}:
97 package/dist/oojs-ui-core-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
98 package/dist/oojs-ui-widgets.js{,.map.json}:
99 package/dist/oojs-ui-widgets-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
100 package/dist/oojs-ui-toolbars.js{,.map.json}:
101 package/dist/oojs-ui-toolbars-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
102 package/dist/oojs-ui-windows.js{,.map.json}:
103 package/dist/oojs-ui-windows-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
104 package/dist/oojs-ui-{wikimediaui,apex}.js{,.map.json}:
105 package/dist/i18n:
106 package/dist/images:
107 # WikimediaUI theme
108 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/images/icons/*.{svg,png}: themes/wikimediaui/images/icons
109 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/images/indicators/*.{svg,png}: themes/wikimediaui/images/indicators
110 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/images/textures/*.{gif,svg}: themes/wikimediaui/images/textures
111 package/src/themes/wikimediaui/*.json: themes/wikimediaui
112 package/dist/wikimedia-ui-base.less:
113 # Apex theme (icons, indicators, and textures)
114 package/src/themes/apex/*.json: themes/apex
115 # Misc stuff
116 package/dist/AUTHORS.txt:
117 package/dist/History.md:
118 package/dist/LICENSE-MIT:
119 package/dist/README.md:
121 qunitjs:
122 type: multi-file
123 # Integrity from link modals at https://code.jquery.com/qunit/
124 files:
125 qunit.js:
126 src: https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.6.2.js
127 integrity: sha256-72OhbBvECs6Z5vG0GfPqiyYvTf8vhdEVHKQcacIcIeM=
128 qunit.css:
129 src: https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.6.2.css
130 integrity: sha256-qpkurjTvVTJJCSpMABcvF4IlYUJkd8saxiHgUQpEjX8=