Comments and whitespace fixes only.
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / includes / filerepo / FSRepo.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * A repository for files accessible via the local filesystem. Does not support
5 * database access or registration.
6 * @ingroup FileRepo
7 */
8 class FSRepo extends FileRepo {
9 var $directory, $deletedDir, $url, $deletedHashLevels, $fileMode;
10 var $fileFactory = array( 'UnregisteredLocalFile', 'newFromTitle' );
11 var $oldFileFactory = false;
12 var $pathDisclosureProtection = 'simple';
14 function __construct( $info ) {
15 parent::__construct( $info );
17 // Required settings
18 $this->directory = $info['directory'];
19 $this->url = $info['url'];
21 // Optional settings
22 $this->hashLevels = isset( $info['hashLevels'] ) ? $info['hashLevels'] : 2;
23 $this->deletedHashLevels = isset( $info['deletedHashLevels'] ) ?
24 $info['deletedHashLevels'] : $this->hashLevels;
25 $this->deletedDir = isset( $info['deletedDir'] ) ? $info['deletedDir'] : false;
26 $this->fileMode = isset( $info['fileMode'] ) ? $info['fileMode'] : 0644;
27 if ( isset( $info['thumbDir'] ) ) {
28 $this->thumbDir = $info['thumbDir'];
29 } else {
30 $this->thumbDir = "{$this->directory}/thumb";
31 }
32 if ( isset( $info['thumbUrl'] ) ) {
33 $this->thumbUrl = $info['thumbUrl'];
34 } else {
35 $this->thumbUrl = "{$this->url}/thumb";
36 }
37 }
39 /**
40 * Get the public root directory of the repository.
41 */
42 function getRootDirectory() {
43 return $this->directory;
44 }
46 /**
47 * Get the public root URL of the repository
48 */
49 function getRootUrl() {
50 return $this->url;
51 }
53 /**
54 * Returns true if the repository uses a multi-level directory structure
55 */
56 function isHashed() {
57 return (bool)$this->hashLevels;
58 }
60 /**
61 * Get the local directory corresponding to one of the three basic zones
62 */
63 function getZonePath( $zone ) {
64 switch ( $zone ) {
65 case 'public':
66 return $this->directory;
67 case 'temp':
68 return "{$this->directory}/temp";
69 case 'deleted':
70 return $this->deletedDir;
71 case 'thumb':
72 return $this->thumbDir;
73 default:
74 return false;
75 }
76 }
78 /**
79 * Get the URL corresponding to one of the three basic zones
80 */
81 function getZoneUrl( $zone ) {
82 switch ( $zone ) {
83 case 'public':
84 return $this->url;
85 case 'temp':
86 return "{$this->url}/temp";
87 case 'deleted':
88 return false; // no public URL
89 case 'thumb':
90 return $this->thumbUrl;
91 default:
92 return false;
93 }
94 }
96 /**
97 * Get a URL referring to this repository, with the private mwrepo protocol.
98 * The suffix, if supplied, is considered to be unencoded, and will be
99 * URL-encoded before being returned.
100 */
101 function getVirtualUrl( $suffix = false ) {
102 $path = 'mwrepo://' . $this->name;
103 if ( $suffix !== false ) {
104 $path .= '/' . rawurlencode( $suffix );
105 }
106 return $path;
107 }
109 /**
110 * Get the local path corresponding to a virtual URL
111 */
112 function resolveVirtualUrl( $url ) {
113 if ( substr( $url, 0, 9 ) != 'mwrepo://' ) {
114 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.': unknown protoocl' );
115 }
117 $bits = explode( '/', substr( $url, 9 ), 3 );
118 if ( count( $bits ) != 3 ) {
119 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.": invalid mwrepo URL: $url" );
120 }
121 list( $repo, $zone, $rel ) = $bits;
122 if ( $repo !== $this->name ) {
123 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.": fetching from a foreign repo is not supported" );
124 }
125 $base = $this->getZonePath( $zone );
126 if ( !$base ) {
127 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.": invalid zone: $zone" );
128 }
129 return $base . '/' . rawurldecode( $rel );
130 }
132 /**
133 * Store a batch of files
134 *
135 * @param array $triplets (src,zone,dest) triplets as per store()
136 * @param integer $flags Bitwise combination of the following flags:
137 * self::DELETE_SOURCE Delete the source file after upload
138 * self::OVERWRITE Overwrite an existing destination file instead of failing
139 * self::OVERWRITE_SAME Overwrite the file if the destination exists and has the
140 * same contents as the source
141 */
142 function storeBatch( $triplets, $flags = 0 ) {
143 if ( !wfMkdirParents( $this->directory ) ) {
144 return $this->newFatal( 'upload_directory_missing', $this->directory );
145 }
146 if ( !is_writable( $this->directory ) ) {
147 return $this->newFatal( 'upload_directory_read_only', $this->directory );
148 }
149 $status = $this->newGood();
150 foreach ( $triplets as $i => $triplet ) {
151 list( $srcPath, $dstZone, $dstRel ) = $triplet;
153 $root = $this->getZonePath( $dstZone );
154 if ( !$root ) {
155 throw new MWException( "Invalid zone: $dstZone" );
156 }
157 if ( !$this->validateFilename( $dstRel ) ) {
158 throw new MWException( 'Validation error in $dstRel' );
159 }
160 $dstPath = "$root/$dstRel";
161 $dstDir = dirname( $dstPath );
163 if ( !is_dir( $dstDir ) ) {
164 if ( !wfMkdirParents( $dstDir ) ) {
165 return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $dstDir );
166 }
167 if ( $dstZone == 'deleted' ) {
168 $this->initDeletedDir( $dstDir );
169 }
170 }
172 if ( self::isVirtualUrl( $srcPath ) ) {
173 $srcPath = $triplets[$i][0] = $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $srcPath );
174 }
175 if ( !is_file( $srcPath ) ) {
176 // Make a list of files that don't exist for return to the caller
177 $status->fatal( 'filenotfound', $srcPath );
178 continue;
179 }
180 if ( !( $flags & self::OVERWRITE ) && file_exists( $dstPath ) ) {
181 if ( $flags & self::OVERWRITE_SAME ) {
182 $hashSource = sha1_file( $srcPath );
183 $hashDest = sha1_file( $dstPath );
184 if ( $hashSource != $hashDest ) {
185 $status->fatal( 'fileexistserror', $dstPath );
186 }
187 } else {
188 $status->fatal( 'fileexistserror', $dstPath );
189 }
190 }
191 }
193 $deleteDest = wfIsWindows() && ( $flags & self::OVERWRITE );
195 // Abort now on failure
196 if ( !$status->ok ) {
197 return $status;
198 }
200 foreach ( $triplets as $triplet ) {
201 list( $srcPath, $dstZone, $dstRel ) = $triplet;
202 $root = $this->getZonePath( $dstZone );
203 $dstPath = "$root/$dstRel";
204 $good = true;
206 if ( $flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE ) {
207 if ( $deleteDest ) {
208 unlink( $dstPath );
209 }
210 if ( !rename( $srcPath, $dstPath ) ) {
211 $status->error( 'filerenameerror', $srcPath, $dstPath );
212 $good = false;
213 }
214 } else {
215 if ( !copy( $srcPath, $dstPath ) ) {
216 $status->error( 'filecopyerror', $srcPath, $dstPath );
217 $good = false;
218 }
219 }
220 if ( $good ) {
221 $this->chmod( $dstPath );
222 $status->successCount++;
223 } else {
224 $status->failCount++;
225 }
226 }
227 return $status;
228 }
230 function append( $srcPath, $toAppendPath ) {
231 $status = $this->newGood();
233 // Resolve the virtual URL
234 if ( self::isVirtualUrl( $srcPath ) ) {
235 $srcPath = $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $srcPath );
236 }
237 // Make sure the files are there
238 if ( !is_file( $srcPath ) )
239 $status->fatal( 'append-src-filenotfound', $srcPath );
241 if ( !is_file( $toAppendPath ) )
242 $status->fatal( 'append-toappend-filenotfound', $toAppendPath );
244 // Do the append
245 if( file_put_contents( $srcPath, file_get_contents( $toAppendPath ), FILE_APPEND ) ) {
246 $status->value = $srcPath;
247 } else {
248 $status->fatal( 'fileappenderror', $toAppendPath, $srcPath);
249 }
251 // Remove the source file
252 unlink( $toAppendPath );
254 return $status;
255 }
257 /**
258 * Checks existence of specified array of files.
259 *
260 * @param array $files URLs of files to check
261 * @param integer $flags Bitwise combination of the following flags:
262 * self::FILES_ONLY Mark file as existing only if it is a file (not directory)
263 * @return Either array of files and existence flags, or false
264 */
265 function fileExistsBatch( $files, $flags = 0 ) {
266 if ( !file_exists( $this->directory ) || !is_readable( $this->directory ) ) {
267 return false;
268 }
269 $result = array();
270 foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) {
271 if ( self::isVirtualUrl( $file ) ) {
272 $file = $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $file );
273 }
274 if( $flags & self::FILES_ONLY ) {
275 $result[$key] = is_file( $file );
276 } else {
277 $result[$key] = file_exists( $file );
278 }
279 }
281 return $result;
282 }
284 /**
285 * Take all available measures to prevent web accessibility of new deleted
286 * directories, in case the user has not configured offline storage
287 */
288 protected function initDeletedDir( $dir ) {
289 // Add a .htaccess file to the root of the deleted zone
290 $root = $this->getZonePath( 'deleted' );
291 if ( !file_exists( "$root/.htaccess" ) ) {
292 file_put_contents( "$root/.htaccess", "Deny from all\n" );
293 }
294 // Seed new directories with a blank index.html, to prevent crawling
295 file_put_contents( "$dir/index.html", '' );
296 }
298 /**
299 * Pick a random name in the temp zone and store a file to it.
300 * @param string $originalName The base name of the file as specified
301 * by the user. The file extension will be maintained.
302 * @param string $srcPath The current location of the file.
303 * @return FileRepoStatus object with the URL in the value.
304 */
305 function storeTemp( $originalName, $srcPath ) {
306 $date = gmdate( "YmdHis" );
307 $hashPath = $this->getHashPath( $originalName );
308 $dstRel = "$hashPath$date!$originalName";
309 $dstUrlRel = $hashPath . $date . '!' . rawurlencode( $originalName );
311 $result = $this->store( $srcPath, 'temp', $dstRel );
312 $result->value = $this->getVirtualUrl( 'temp' ) . '/' . $dstUrlRel;
313 return $result;
314 }
316 /**
317 * Remove a temporary file or mark it for garbage collection
318 * @param string $virtualUrl The virtual URL returned by storeTemp
319 * @return boolean True on success, false on failure
320 */
321 function freeTemp( $virtualUrl ) {
322 $temp = "mwrepo://{$this->name}/temp";
323 if ( substr( $virtualUrl, 0, strlen( $temp ) ) != $temp ) {
324 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": Invalid virtual URL\n" );
325 return false;
326 }
327 $path = $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $virtualUrl );
328 wfSuppressWarnings();
329 $success = unlink( $path );
330 wfRestoreWarnings();
331 return $success;
332 }
334 /**
335 * Publish a batch of files
336 * @param array $triplets (source,dest,archive) triplets as per publish()
337 * @param integer $flags Bitfield, may be FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE to indicate
338 * that the source files should be deleted if possible
339 */
340 function publishBatch( $triplets, $flags = 0 ) {
341 // Perform initial checks
342 if ( !wfMkdirParents( $this->directory ) ) {
343 return $this->newFatal( 'upload_directory_missing', $this->directory );
344 }
345 if ( !is_writable( $this->directory ) ) {
346 return $this->newFatal( 'upload_directory_read_only', $this->directory );
347 }
348 $status = $this->newGood( array() );
349 foreach ( $triplets as $i => $triplet ) {
350 list( $srcPath, $dstRel, $archiveRel ) = $triplet;
352 if ( substr( $srcPath, 0, 9 ) == 'mwrepo://' ) {
353 $triplets[$i][0] = $srcPath = $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $srcPath );
354 }
355 if ( !$this->validateFilename( $dstRel ) ) {
356 throw new MWException( 'Validation error in $dstRel' );
357 }
358 if ( !$this->validateFilename( $archiveRel ) ) {
359 throw new MWException( 'Validation error in $archiveRel' );
360 }
361 $dstPath = "{$this->directory}/$dstRel";
362 $archivePath = "{$this->directory}/$archiveRel";
364 $dstDir = dirname( $dstPath );
365 $archiveDir = dirname( $archivePath );
366 // Abort immediately on directory creation errors since they're likely to be repetitive
367 if ( !is_dir( $dstDir ) && !wfMkdirParents( $dstDir ) ) {
368 return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $dstDir );
369 }
370 if ( !is_dir( $archiveDir ) && !wfMkdirParents( $archiveDir ) ) {
371 return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $archiveDir );
372 }
373 if ( !is_file( $srcPath ) ) {
374 // Make a list of files that don't exist for return to the caller
375 $status->fatal( 'filenotfound', $srcPath );
376 }
377 }
379 if ( !$status->ok ) {
380 return $status;
381 }
383 foreach ( $triplets as $i => $triplet ) {
384 list( $srcPath, $dstRel, $archiveRel ) = $triplet;
385 $dstPath = "{$this->directory}/$dstRel";
386 $archivePath = "{$this->directory}/$archiveRel";
388 // Archive destination file if it exists
389 if( is_file( $dstPath ) ) {
390 // Check if the archive file exists
391 // This is a sanity check to avoid data loss. In UNIX, the rename primitive
392 // unlinks the destination file if it exists. DB-based synchronisation in
393 // publishBatch's caller should prevent races. In Windows there's no
394 // problem because the rename primitive fails if the destination exists.
395 if ( is_file( $archivePath ) ) {
396 $success = false;
397 } else {
398 wfSuppressWarnings();
399 $success = rename( $dstPath, $archivePath );
400 wfRestoreWarnings();
401 }
403 if( !$success ) {
404 $status->error( 'filerenameerror',$dstPath, $archivePath );
405 $status->failCount++;
406 continue;
407 } else {
408 wfDebug(__METHOD__.": moved file $dstPath to $archivePath\n");
409 }
410 $status->value[$i] = 'archived';
411 } else {
412 $status->value[$i] = 'new';
413 }
415 $good = true;
416 wfSuppressWarnings();
417 if ( $flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE ) {
418 if ( !rename( $srcPath, $dstPath ) ) {
419 $status->error( 'filerenameerror', $srcPath, $dstPath );
420 $good = false;
421 }
422 } else {
423 if ( !copy( $srcPath, $dstPath ) ) {
424 $status->error( 'filecopyerror', $srcPath, $dstPath );
425 $good = false;
426 }
427 }
428 wfRestoreWarnings();
430 if ( $good ) {
431 $status->successCount++;
432 wfDebug(__METHOD__.": wrote tempfile $srcPath to $dstPath\n");
433 // Thread-safe override for umask
434 $this->chmod( $dstPath );
435 } else {
436 $status->failCount++;
437 }
438 }
439 return $status;
440 }
442 /**
443 * Move a group of files to the deletion archive.
444 * If no valid deletion archive is configured, this may either delete the
445 * file or throw an exception, depending on the preference of the repository.
446 *
447 * @param array $sourceDestPairs Array of source/destination pairs. Each element
448 * is a two-element array containing the source file path relative to the
449 * public root in the first element, and the archive file path relative
450 * to the deleted zone root in the second element.
451 * @return FileRepoStatus
452 */
453 function deleteBatch( $sourceDestPairs ) {
454 $status = $this->newGood();
455 if ( !$this->deletedDir ) {
456 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.': no valid deletion archive directory' );
457 }
459 /**
460 * Validate filenames and create archive directories
461 */
462 foreach ( $sourceDestPairs as $pair ) {
463 list( $srcRel, $archiveRel ) = $pair;
464 if ( !$this->validateFilename( $srcRel ) ) {
465 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.':Validation error in $srcRel' );
466 }
467 if ( !$this->validateFilename( $archiveRel ) ) {
468 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.':Validation error in $archiveRel' );
469 }
470 $archivePath = "{$this->deletedDir}/$archiveRel";
471 $archiveDir = dirname( $archivePath );
472 if ( !is_dir( $archiveDir ) ) {
473 if ( !wfMkdirParents( $archiveDir ) ) {
474 $status->fatal( 'directorycreateerror', $archiveDir );
475 continue;
476 }
477 $this->initDeletedDir( $archiveDir );
478 }
479 // Check if the archive directory is writable
480 // This doesn't appear to work on NTFS
481 if ( !is_writable( $archiveDir ) ) {
482 $status->fatal( 'filedelete-archive-read-only', $archiveDir );
483 }
484 }
485 if ( !$status->ok ) {
486 // Abort early
487 return $status;
488 }
490 /**
491 * Move the files
492 * We're now committed to returning an OK result, which will lead to
493 * the files being moved in the DB also.
494 */
495 foreach ( $sourceDestPairs as $pair ) {
496 list( $srcRel, $archiveRel ) = $pair;
497 $srcPath = "{$this->directory}/$srcRel";
498 $archivePath = "{$this->deletedDir}/$archiveRel";
499 $good = true;
500 if ( file_exists( $archivePath ) ) {
501 # A file with this content hash is already archived
502 if ( !@unlink( $srcPath ) ) {
503 $status->error( 'filedeleteerror', $srcPath );
504 $good = false;
505 }
506 } else{
507 if ( !@rename( $srcPath, $archivePath ) ) {
508 $status->error( 'filerenameerror', $srcPath, $archivePath );
509 $good = false;
510 } else {
511 $this->chmod( $archivePath );
512 }
513 }
514 if ( $good ) {
515 $status->successCount++;
516 } else {
517 $status->failCount++;
518 }
519 }
520 return $status;
521 }
523 /**
524 * Get a relative path for a deletion archive key,
525 * e.g. s/z/a/ for sza251lrxrc1jad41h5mgilp8nysje52.jpg
526 */
527 function getDeletedHashPath( $key ) {
528 $path = '';
529 for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->deletedHashLevels; $i++ ) {
530 $path .= $key[$i] . '/';
531 }
532 return $path;
533 }
535 /**
536 * Call a callback function for every file in the repository.
537 * Uses the filesystem even in child classes.
538 */
539 function enumFilesInFS( $callback ) {
540 $numDirs = 1 << ( $this->hashLevels * 4 );
541 for ( $flatIndex = 0; $flatIndex < $numDirs; $flatIndex++ ) {
542 $hexString = sprintf( "%0{$this->hashLevels}x", $flatIndex );
543 $path = $this->directory;
544 for ( $hexPos = 0; $hexPos < $this->hashLevels; $hexPos++ ) {
545 $path .= '/' . substr( $hexString, 0, $hexPos + 1 );
546 }
547 if ( !file_exists( $path ) || !is_dir( $path ) ) {
548 continue;
549 }
550 $dir = opendir( $path );
551 while ( false !== ( $name = readdir( $dir ) ) ) {
552 call_user_func( $callback, $path . '/' . $name );
553 }
554 }
555 }
557 /**
558 * Call a callback function for every file in the repository
559 * May use either the database or the filesystem
560 */
561 function enumFiles( $callback ) {
562 $this->enumFilesInFS( $callback );
563 }
565 /**
566 * Get properties of a file with a given virtual URL
567 * The virtual URL must refer to this repo
568 */
569 function getFileProps( $virtualUrl ) {
570 $path = $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $virtualUrl );
571 return File::getPropsFromPath( $path );
572 }
574 /**
575 * Path disclosure protection functions
576 *
577 * Get a callback function to use for cleaning error message parameters
578 */
579 function getErrorCleanupFunction() {
580 switch ( $this->pathDisclosureProtection ) {
581 case 'simple':
582 $callback = array( $this, 'simpleClean' );
583 break;
584 default:
585 $callback = parent::getErrorCleanupFunction();
586 }
587 return $callback;
588 }
590 function simpleClean( $param ) {
591 if ( !isset( $this->simpleCleanPairs ) ) {
592 global $IP;
593 $this->simpleCleanPairs = array(
594 $this->directory => 'public',
595 "{$this->directory}/temp" => 'temp',
596 $IP => '$IP',
597 dirname( __FILE__ ) => '$IP/extensions/WebStore',
598 );
599 if ( $this->deletedDir ) {
600 $this->simpleCleanPairs[$this->deletedDir] = 'deleted';
601 }
602 }
603 return strtr( $param, $this->simpleCleanPairs );
604 }
606 /**
607 * Chmod a file, supressing the warnings.
608 * @param String $path The path to change
609 */
610 protected function chmod( $path ) {
611 wfSuppressWarnings();
612 chmod( $path, $this->fileMode );
613 wfRestoreWarnings();
614 }
616 }